Saturday, December 22, 2012

BloggeRhythms 12/22/2012

Despite yesterday’s entry regarding the ancient Mayans, I didn’t  know very much about them or their calendar. So I looked them up this morning to find that their prediction of world-ending apocalypse was made 5,125-years ago.
Which brings me to my question for today, which is: How in the world could they foresee the results of the aftermath of the incumbent’s re-election that many eons ago? And what’s even more incredible: How come Democrats can’t see the vividly clear writing on the walls around them even today?
In regard to the Incumbent, I read that he left for Hawaii for another vacation but the story didn’t say vacation from what. But now that’s he’s got another four years living rent-free in the White House, maybe this time around he’ll let us know what he really does with his time, because one thing’s for sure…he doesn’t do anything productive at all.
Before he left to sit on the beach for a while, the incumbent announced his selection of John Kerry as Secretary of State, which is a position he’s actually very well qualified for. Because Hillary’s proven it takes no experience, no talent and no wisdom to handle the job, all you need is a desire to get away from home and a spouse who likes it better when you're gone.
And maybe now Kerry'll get another chance to visit Viet Nam and Cambodia and win a few more Purple Hearts. However, today in Southeast Asia it’s tougher to get medals for wounds in action on foreign soil, because even those nations now put mats in the bathtubs.
That's it for today folks.

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