Hope everyone’s having a happy, healthy holiday season. And I guess most folks must be cerebrating somewhere, because there’s not very much going on in the news.
I did, however, stumble across an article on Drudge this morning that helps confirm a conviction of mine regarding Democrat’s intellectual capabilities. Because, considering their inability to grasp basic economics, and in many cases even simple arithmetic, I’ve always assumed that dimwittedness was rampant amongst the party base and now have another proof of my theory.
The article I found quotes Sam Donaldson, no less, and here’s part of what he said: “The minorities re-elected president Obama, but I'm going with Katty. It's the Tea Party and thinking of the Tea Party and people like that that are driving the Republicans out of contention as a national party. You cannot win nationally if you don't know something about the way the country's changed, and the Tea Party seems to think the country can go back 25 or 30 years. The greatest slogan that I hated during this last campaign was “We want to take back our country.” Guys, it's not your country anymore - it's our country and you're part of it, but that thinking is going to defeat Republicans nationally if they don't get rid of it.”
Now, not to mince words, but the last time I looked at the election results, the vote was pretty much split down the middle. And yes it’s true, the incumbent won reelection but not by much, and were it not for Hurricane Sandy’s shocking arrival, he might very well have lost.
So, before Mr. Donaldson gets carried away in claiming who won what or who’s country it is, he ought to learn some basic math. Because his guy barely squeaked in and one things for certain, this country’s not his, nor Sam’s, nor anyone else’s.
Nonetheless, I can surely understand why Mr. Donaldson reacted as he did. Because he comes from the same semi-literate segment of the population that the incumbent’s base does. And consequently he doesn’t understand that 50% isn’t a hundred, but only half. Which is why that when attending school he likely thought he was getting grades twice as high as they actually were. However, his teachers couldn’t grasp percentages either, and promoted him anyway so that today we can all see he still knows nothing at all about the subject in question and even less about fundamental arithmetic.
That’s it for today folks.
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