Friday, December 14, 2012

BloggeRhythms 12/14/2012

I think there must be some kind of test applied to intellectual qualification as a liberal commentator, likely similar to IQ grading. And if your score is above sixty or so, you’re rejected whereas you’re too bright for the job and not to be trusted.
In that regard, Fox News on-line posted an article yesterday saying “It didn't take long for NBC's Andrea Mitchell to turn Susan Rice's withdrawal from the secretary of state-stakes into a racial issue. Asked for her analysis on MSNBC's ‘The Cycle’ Mitchell swiftly claimed that Rice's withdrawal would be bad for Republicans because she is a black woman -- intimating that her skin color and gender were somehow a factor.” 
Mitchell went on to say, "I think that this had become sort of an impossible challenge for her to be confirmed, that she realized that -- the White House realized it as well. I think they know that they are on good political solid ground. This is not going to ... help Republicans at all, the fact that a woman and a woman of color has been forced out of a confirmation process even before she was nominated."
However, the article then goes on to point out that “Never mind that the first black female secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice, was nominated by a Republican, George W. Bush. In fact, both parties can lay substantial claim to diversifying the nominee pool for that post. Under Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright became the first female secretary of state. Under Bush, Colin Powell became the first black secretary of state, only to be succeeded by Rice.”
So it seems that here we have this dolt Mitchell trying to create a racial issue where none exists whatsoever, while displaying either outright ignorance of historical fact or attempting to mislead and ignite whatever audience she might have.
But what’s most remarkable to me is that Mitchell and Susan Rice must have been cut from exactly the same mold, because both did exactly the same thing as far as the basic issue is concerned. And that issue is: job qualification.
In Susan Rice’s case she stepped down because she either misinformed the public while a representative of the administration, misstating facts, covering truths and permitting politics to override actuality or if not, failed to research the issue before making her incorrect statements. And that's what disqualified her, nothing else. 
And now we have this Mitchell woman doing precisely the same thing. Because the facts refute her ridiculous comments which means she either did no homework before shooting her mouth off or is simply a leftist grasping for points to support her incorrect spouting's. But, either way, she’s incredibly stupid and dense as a tree trunk.
That’s it for today folks.

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