I've mentioned the Iowa caucus a couple of times over the last few days, because I don't understand the purpose. And just yesterday, I wrote that these doings perfectly illustrated the world of politicians to me, where they throw away multi-millions of dollars that could be put to some worthwhile purpose on an exercise with meaning to practically no one. But this morning I read something that makes the Iowa circus look like chump change.
An article from the ,Associated Press, yesterday addressed the law the president signed just before Christmas, temporarily extending the payroll tax cut. In order to permit the law to pass without objection, the Republicans added a provision compelling him to make a speedy decision on whether to build the Canada/Texas oil pipeline.
The article goes on to say that the decision's a "dicey proposition" for the president because he enjoyed strong support from both organized labor and environmentalists in winning the White House. And in this particular situation, the pipeline's construction presents potential environmental dangers, but also offers thousands of new union jobs. So then, which way should he turn?
But, here's the part that's incredible to me. Because from the way the article's written, it seems that it doesn't matter a whit as to what's good for the failing economy, or the folks who're trying to figure out how to afford gas at the pump, or how we keep enriching Middle East sultans who are stealing us blind. All that matters is, which side offers the empty suit in office the most votes. And there's something really, really wrong with that.
Consequently, although I couldn't care much less about who wins the Iowa circus, or any other kind of primary vote, if the guy in office now isn't defeated next time around, the American economy's likely over for good.
That's it for today folks.
The article goes on to say that the decision's a "dicey proposition" for the president because he enjoyed strong support from both organized labor and environmentalists in winning the White House. And in this particular situation, the pipeline's construction presents potential environmental dangers, but also offers thousands of new union jobs. So then, which way should he turn?
But, here's the part that's incredible to me. Because from the way the article's written, it seems that it doesn't matter a whit as to what's good for the failing economy, or the folks who're trying to figure out how to afford gas at the pump, or how we keep enriching Middle East sultans who are stealing us blind. All that matters is, which side offers the empty suit in office the most votes. And there's something really, really wrong with that.
Consequently, although I couldn't care much less about who wins the Iowa circus, or any other kind of primary vote, if the guy in office now isn't defeated next time around, the American economy's likely over for good.
That's it for today folks.
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