I've mentioned it here before, and current circumstances are causing me to do it again, with one slight change.
PT Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute," and I agree with his conclusion completely, except, I think it's got to be more than just one. From the stuff I read about in the news, nitwits must arrive in droves.
Because, at the present time we have a president in office who's taken the country down about as low as it can go, and is extremely vulnerable in the next election as a result. Folks everywhere are more than fed up, and it's believed that independents likely will make a huge difference, because if they vote Republican it almost assures a victory for that party.
So, what are the primary voters in South Carolina expected to do today? The answer is; It looks like they're going to come out strongly for Gingrich. And I believe that that's a considerably bigger mistake than shooting themselves in the foot, it's more like blowing a whole leg off. Because this self-serving, pompous ass couldn't beat Pee Wee Herman in a national election, much less an incumbent with a billion dollars to spend on ads and hype.
I'm sitting here typing all by myself and have quite little access to inside information, yet I know all about Newt and his unstable character and his propensity for vacillation, much less his tendency to sell out for cash. I also know his own party was fed up with him when he was Speaker of the House. So, if that's the case, and I find him obnoxious, what will happen when the incumbent starts exposing him nationally in ads and let's the public see what a disaster he'd be as leader of the free world. (just typing that last sentence, and thinking of Newt at the helm makes me cringe.)
So, I'll sit here like everyone else and wait for the results of today's primary down South. And if it comes up Gingrich, I'll scratch my head and wonder once more why anyone who had the chance to help themselves would willingly do something that close to suicidal, by giving the incumbent a gift of four more disastrous years.
That's it for today folks.
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