Monday, January 30, 2012

BloggeRhythms 1/30/2012

I mentioned the other day that the Gingrich assault on Romney's business success was a ridiculous approach, and in its own way a seemingly un-American premise. Because, if nothing else, this country provides practically unlimited opportunity, however it also requires that you figure out how to accomplish your goals for yourself if you want to get to the top.

And in that regard I also wrote that since earnings are generally the measure employed in determining who's best in the U.S. in most endeavors, at present Romney's head, shoulders and body ahead of everyone seeking election in 2012, regardless of party or former work experience.

Then today I read a blurb that said, Charles Schumer, was "relishing a push on some kind of Romney rule, I mean Buffett rule, " that the president's advocating regarding the inequity of laws letting Warren Buffett pay a lower tax rate than his secretary.

But, what they left out was that Buffett takes no salary from his position as head of Berkshire Hathaway because he doesn't need the money, since all of his real income derives from investments and dividends. And the last time I looked, if I'm not mistaken, the last several years of his Berkshire's returns are in dispute with the IRS, going back to 2002, because the company refuses to simply pay the taxes due as assessed by law.

So here we have Democrats continuing their drive against successful Americans and a bogus Buffet confirmation of their plans for higher taxes on the "rich," bolstering their desire to extort every cent they can from those who have some. However that's no surprise since class warfare's been the cornerstone of their party for the last fifty years.

Nonetheless, regardless that Democrats have an inborn resentment and hatred of financial acumen, I still find it surprising that the only candidate the Republicans have with the ability to return the nation to true economic success is apparently despised by Conservatives like Gingrich too.  

So, what that leads me to ask is: That although political ideology may be a wonderful thing for true believers of various causes on both sides, while they're pursuing their lofty ideals, who's supposed to support them financially and pay the bills?  

That's it for today folks.


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