I have to assume that there are Democrat victory party's taking place all over the nation today, and especially in the White House. Because if historical precedent is repeated, the president of the U.S. is practically guaranteed another four years in office, thanks to Republican primary voters in South Carolina.
Somehow or other, supposedly astute possessors of political knowledge went out yesterday en masse and bought the BS of one of the world's biggest phonies, and actually cast their votes for Newt Gingrich. And in doing so, in one fell swoop they likely wiped out the support of independents in the general election, which is very bad news for them in the long run. Because that guy hasn't a prayer in the world of winning the office of POTUS without the independent's votes.
In that regard, my wife expressed a thought last night which made absolute sense to me regarding how the vote was won. She suggested that, somehow or other, George Soros perhaps spent considerable sums backing Gingrich and trying to insure his win, thereby protecting his investment in the incumbent. And that was done especially to sink Romney, who'd have an extremely good chance at the top spot whereas Gingrich doesn't.
And all of this seems quite probable to me, because I have no political affiliation myself, but always vote for the candidate that seems most beneficial to me at the time. And frankly, since a significant part of my life is spent doing business, I tend to lean toward those being most helpful to me in that regard.
Therefore, in an Obama/Gingrich race for the White House, since neither opponent knows diddly squat about how the economy really runs, that means the nation's salvation will then rest in Congress, where we can only hope all the damage of the last five years will be overturned after a huge turnover in members.
But as far as the presidency goes, both choices would be so repulsive I simply won't bother to vote, and I think most independents will do the same. And in that way, the devil we do know will stay around for four more years, and the one we don't may as well go back home right now because the rest of the scenario's a joke, albeit a bad one.
That's it for today folks.
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