First, foremost and most important of all, best wishes for the coming New Year to all.
Scanning the items across the web news sites this morning, there’s really not very much worth typing about at all. Of course there are blurbs all over the place about how hard the parties are “working” to avoid the dreaded fiscal cliff, however, I think the issue will somehow miraculously resolve in time.
And if it doesn’t happen today, they’ll fix it next week, or the week after that. Because the one thing that’s certain is that those involved in this so-called “negotiation” aren’t going to put themselves at risk with the electorate. They’ve never done it before, are incapable of good judgment and if they were, we wouldn’t be in this horrible fix in the first place.
But, cliff issues aside, while perusing Drudge, I came across a link buried among many other subjects. The link was titled: “Opec cartel to reap record $1trillion.”
Appearing in the Financial Times on-line (, written by Javier Blas, Commodities Editor, the article reports that “The Opec oil cartel, led by Saudi Arabia, will pocket a record of more than US$1tn in net oil revenues in 2012 as the annual average price for Brent, the benchmark, heads to an all-time high in spite of weak economic growth.”
The “windfall” most benefits the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and “with one trading day left before the year-end, Brent oil prices are on the point of seeing an average for the year of about $111.5 a barrel, higher than the previous all-time high set in 2011 of $110.9.” The US Energy Information Administration, statistical arm of the US Department of Energy says a decade ago, “Opec countries made just under $200bn selling their oil.”
So, tying today’s two topics together, here we have a bunch of worthless politicos going through motions regarding avoidance of impending taxes that never should have been imposed in the first place while Middle Easterners enjoy the largest profits they’ve ever had.
However, when it comes to drilling our own oil, thereby putting these foreign thieves out of business, we say, Oh no, we can’t do that because the ring-tailed, powder puffed, barn sparrow might not breathe clean air.
In conclusion, then, what I’ve got to ask once more at year end is: How long are folks going to sit there, watch this lunacy go, on and take it? Because as I read the news each day, I’m certain I’m not alone in my outrage. But, then again, considering how much these politico’s get away with unbridled…maybe I really am all by myself.
That’s it for today folks.