I obviously don't know about how you feel, but I get extremely upset when someone insults my intelligence. And, apparently, that's what the president's about to do.
According to Fox, aides are privately spreading the word that he won't present his entire jobs plan in his address to a Joint Session of Congress. Instead they say, he'll roll out a bigger plan throughout the fall in speeches and town hall appearances on the road. They've already confirmed he'll be traveling to California, Colorado, and Washington state for one three-day swing later this month that will include economic events as well as some fundraising.
Now, in typical political subterfuge, the preceding "leaked" information presents the facade that the president actually has some real ideas toward solving the nation's unemployment problems. But in reality it more likely means he has no good ideas at all about what to do, short of resigning. However, he's already bit off more than he can chew by demanding to speak before Congress next week.
So, now it looks like he not only won't have anything worthwhile to say nor help folks needing real jobs, he'll cause all the folks in Congress to miss the pre-game show and likely the first quarter of the first NFL game of the season for no good reason at all. And that, more than most of the clueless things he does, will really tick them all off, regardless of party affiliation.
So, maybe Speaker Boehner really knew what he was doing when he boxed the president into making the speech on Thursday night, because this presidential error in timing goes far beyond mere politics which fewer and fewer folks care a whit about. This time Congress members are being forced to miss a really important NFL event.
As far as the general public goes, however, few of them will be affected regardless. Because even if the speech conflicted with only Peewee Herman re-runs, none will bother to tune it in at all.
That's it for today folks.
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