With Palestinians planning to throw a wrench into the annual UN meeting in New York, they put the president between another rock and a hard place. Because he's already alienated Israelis by trying to force them to give up land they'd possessed and built up since 1967, and now he's hung the Palestinians out to dry by backing down on his support for their immediate statehood.
So, if you add this new botched job of managing international relations to the failing U.S. economy, continuing record unemployment, a healthcare program that's unaffordable and worthless, businesses refusing to invest domestically, unions strangling growth and business relocation, the running up of $14 trillion in debt, and attempts to further tax the only folks in the nation who have any money and drive the economy...you have continually mounting evidence of an inept administration that's even worse (believe it or not) than Jimmy Carter's.
But, none of the preceding will actually take the president down before the end of his term. Because, regardless of how miserably he's done, and despite the fact that he's totally incompetent, he still has fourteen months or so in office to try to turn things around. And then, there's little doubt he'll lose in an electoral landslide to the opposition.
However, there's now this lurking little problem that might accelerate his departure from office. Because the $536 million in funds given to Solyndra, the now bankrupt solar energy farce, are being investigated by various governmental agencies and departments. And what's seemingly quite suspicious is that management and key personnel have already stated they'll appear for questioning but are invoking their rights not to answer as advised by their respective counsels. As a rule, that's rarely a good sign for those involved.
And although in comparison to the botching of almost everything the administration touches, the Solyndra bungle's a drop in the bucket...so was the Watergate break-in for Richard Nixon. But, when the pieces were put together it forced his resignation from office.
So, although I'll keep monitoring everything else the administration does as I always do, I'll stay on top of this one. Because as so often happens...it's the little things that count.
That's it for today folks.
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