Yesterday wasn't one of the best for the administration. They got their clock cleaned in two special elections for House seats, losing one in New York they'd held since 1923. The other's in Harry Reid country in Nevada.
Beyond that, the Republican National Committee posted record fundraising in August, although they hardly ever raise more than Democrats.
So, if you believe in things like indications of trends, these may be harbingers of things to come for the president, who simultaneously isn't polling very well either. However, party spokespeople shrugged off the bad news as being individual, isolated incidents that have no real meaning at all while sounding to me like the Great One, Jackie Gleason, who always mumbled homina, homina, homina when he knew he'd been wrong but didn't want to face the truth.
In the meanwhile however, aside from all the signs that folks are quite fed up with the administration, it may be something far less obvious that causes them irreparable harm. Because just like when Richard Nixon's troubles began, there's this little solar panel company, Solyndra, highly touted by the White House and president himself which is now being investigated by the Treasury Department, the FBI and Congress.
It seems that the White House put significant pressure on the Federal Financing Bank to grant the company a $528 million dollar stimulus loan, then prematurely made a big deal about the fact that the president himself was very pleased because this showed how much he cares about "greening" the nation by using safe energy sources. And then, about a month later, the business went belly up.
Eventually however, although there have been no indications of what really went wrong...I have this feeling that we'll find out that the only things that got greened were the pockets of the hustlers and shysters behind the deal and that, once again, self-serving politicos on a ridiculous mission let taxpayers get hosed for another half-billion dollars.
For me though, what these boobs in Washington do every day is a blessing. Because when I began this blog, I never intended to focus on politics at all. But even though I write books that are fiction, when it comes to these entries, if I racked my brain for eons I couldn't make better stuff up. And so the blog pretty much writes itself, because all these clowns in office are dumber than stones. Yet, nonetheless, they're pretty much brighter than the folks who voted them in.
That's it for today folks.
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