Friday, September 2, 2011

BloggeRhythms 9/2/2011

The president's finally going to speak about unemployment next week, right before the kick-off of the first NFL game of the season. I'm sure that the two or three folks who actually tune in will still flip channels back and forth between his talk and the pre-game show, while everyone else will likely be out of the house on a last-minute chips and beer run.

But, thinking about the whole unemployment issue, I concluded the same things I have all along. One of the unsolvable huge problems the administration has is, none of them know a thing about real jobs. Most of those looking for answers have never worked in the private sector, and therefore they think a solution can be mandated. Unfortunately, they couldn't be more wrong.

And that reminded me of an old story, which I'll change a bit to fit the circumstances: There were these two government workers who decided the time had come to become entrepreneurs. They pooled their savings and, since it was summer, went out and bought a flat-bed truck. Then they loaded it up with bushels of corn.

They paid five dollars each for the bushels, loaded them up, and then found a busy road-side location where they posted a sign saying: "Fresh corn. Five bucks a bushel."

They sold their supply pretty quickly and then sat down to count the daily proceeds, soon realizing that they not only hadn't made a profit; in fact, after the inventory costs and operating expenses they'd actually suffered a considerable loss.

The results concerned them deeply, so they discussed the problem all evening long, finally concluding that what they really needed was a bigger truck.

Now, to me, that story is pretty much how the government looks at most issues relating to business. Fat, dumb, and clueless they spend their time trying to jam square pegs into round holes when the best alternative for them would really be to stay out of issues they truly don't understand and never will. But, since they'll never get out of productive folks ways we'll simply have to go on paying for fleets and fleets of mis-used government trucks.

That's it for today folks.


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