Friday, September 16, 2011

BloggeRhythms 9/16/2011

As written in yesterday's closing, though I never intended originally to dwell on political issues when starting this blog, those in the profession are so disproportionately dense and out of touch with reality that they provide reams of material daily which is hard to overlook. Beyond that, I now feel like I'm providing a kind of public service by pointing out the majority of incumbent's arrogance, stupidity, gross incompetence, elitist attitudes, and total disregard for the public they supposedly represent.

In keeping with that theme, the administration started a website, Attack Watch, intended to provide answers and responses for backers to use when confronted with opposition. However, Republicans caught on early and have deluged the site with input, practically burying it altogether. And while there have been countless comments sent to them, this one caught my eye: "hey #AttackWatch I heard the only good 'Cash For Clunkers' did was get all the obama stickers off the roads, thank you," tweeted @speedyjerry.

And speaking of things that aren't working too well for the administration, the Energy Department has a $38.6 billion loan guarantee program, to boost the clean energy sector. Originally claiming the funds would create or save 64,000 jobs, they've already spent half the amount but have created only 3,500 permanent jobs. If my arithmetic's right, that means each job cost about $1,100,000 just to establish. But, the department's not too upset because none of the funds are their own.

Along the same lines, Republicans have raised questions about national wireless network upgrade projects by a company, LightSquared, funded by Philip Falcone, a major Democratic donor. They want to know if the projects are being unduly expedited by the administration.

General William Shelton, head of the Air Force Space Command, told House members in a classified briefing earlier this month that he was pressured to change prepared congressional testimony in a way that would favor LightSquared.

So, what we have here are a few isolated instances pointing to political maneuvering and pressure across a range of subjects. But when you consolidate them and add the fact that there were two stunning upsets in Congressional elections earlier in the week, I think one gets a sense of an administration ungluing.

The reason all this is especially important to me is that over a long period of time now, I've been finding stuff that doesn't always get a lot of our government's loan guarantees to Soros in Brazil for his oil wells, while shutting down our drilling for oil here at home. And the NLRB trying to hang Boeing out to dry which has been going on for over a year now. And doing nothing about illegals pouring across our borders. And watching unemployment stay above nine percent.

However, today more and more of this information's getting real attention even in the press that's been bought and paid for by the Dem's for years. So, as I've also been predicting for quite a while's time for the president and his cohorts to turn the lights out, because their party's over in more ways than one.

That's it for today folks.


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