Right before the July 4th holiday, a slow time for the press, Attorney General Eric Holder said examination of more than 100 instances in which the CIA had contact or was alleged to have had contact with terrorist detainees will no longer undergo law enforcement action in all but two discrete cases. It also happened to be the last day for current CIA Director, Leon Panetta, who's becoming the next Defense Secretary.
Similarly, General David Petraeus, who's taking over the CIA helm, said “We do not any longer truly, I think, appreciate the context of the post-9/11 period and some actions that were taking place under direction. And I, for one, again, as the potential leader of the agency, would like to see us focus forward and indeed put some of these actions behind us once and for all and put our workforce at rest with respect to that.”
Now, while it's good that the investigation's being dropped almost in total, what's really going on here is the administration's trying to quietly step away from a travesty that never should have begun in the first place. Because Holder's goal, against considerable opposition in his own party, was to try to smear the previous administration, and particularly President Bush himself.
As I understand what happened, the cases in question had already been thoroughly investigated while Bush was still in office and deemed legally handled. What's more, the files were offered to Holder for review. However, he apparently declined them, and started over from scratch. And now, all these months and wasted dollars later, he's found nothing really out of order. It's also highly likely that the two cases still open will be found acceptable as well.
The reason I'm mentioning all this is because it's another example of how an administration performs that has no clue about how to conduct themselves in times of war. Because while our nation's trying to deal with enemies that have no regard for rules of any kind and are basically barbaric heathens hiding under "religious" guise, our so-called leaders are jeopardizing our safety by playing politics above all. They'd rather try to smear a prior president from another party than protect their own nation's population from terrorists.
While the bad news is that those currently in office risk our safety by exposing all they can about those in the prior administration in an effort to make them look bad, the good news is that the exposure tells us all about how incompetent and naive the current office-holders are. So, now that we all know how much damage they're willing to do purely for political purpose, they're also simultaneously numbering their remaining days in office.
That's it for today folks.
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