Saturday, July 23, 2011

BloggeRhythms 7/23/2011

Thanks to the president's disdain for average Americans, whom he believes aren't very bright, along with his continued practice of never looking beyond the Beltway when making decisions, Republicans are finding themselves quickly gaining strength among the voting public whether they know it or not.

As of now, the best thing that could happen to the Republican party would be a stalemate regarding the budget standoff. Because if there's no agreement, and the clock actually runs out, there are very few folks who won't believe it was unilaterally the president's fault. Consequently, the general conclusion will have to be that the president preferred to stand for political posturing than seeking a solution benefiting the nation and its population.

And the icing on the Republican cake would be if the deadline for a debt level increase actually did run out and the president was forced to delay payment on some of the nation's obligations. Especially those regarding social security or health care. Because those losing out would be older members of the population who are also the most likely to keep abreast of the news and also the most likely to vote. But next time around, it wouldn't be for O'bama if he hung them out to financially dry.

Therefore, the one's the president will hurt the most are the very same ones most responsible for putting him in office to begin with. And that makes for a humongous Catch-22. So, it seems to me the president's painted himself into a corner where all his alternatives are bad ones. But at this point, however, though it's likely the Republicans can't lose no matter, having watched them so far my gut feel is they'll still find a way to shoot themselves in the foot.

That's it for today folks.


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