Monday, July 11, 2011

BloggeRhythms 7/11/2011

As I've been writing for what seems quite a while now, the best way for me to try understanding what goes on in the political world is to read what's said instead of listening to the bombasting from both ends. And today's no exception.

Because, after the president was through droning another lecture to the press about the stalemate regarding the budget (how do those press guys sit through all that incredibly meaningless drivel and not toss their cookies?) the Democrat's said: "they were in favor of a big deal all along and claimed Republicans were backing out only because they didn't want tax hikes."

Now, I have nothing to do with the political system, and I live in New York, hundreds of miles from DC. Beyond that, I generally skim the news, not pore over the details. I never turn on my radio and leave the sound off on my TV. And in spite of my self-imposed limited access to input, even I've known for many months now about the Republican's absolute refusal to consider tax hikes. In fact, many of my prior entries have addressed that very subject. So, exactly what is the Democrat's point?

It seems to me that for the sake of political spin, Democrats, especially their leader, care quite little about the fact that they've broken the fiscal back of the nation, yet rather than trying to help fix the huge problems they've caused, they're seeking what they believe are political points of advantage with their base who care nothing at all about solvency.

And that brings me back to my business comparator, because no commercial enterprise on Earth could stay afloat with a management as fiscally inept as our current administration. What's more, no business entity on the planet could burn, mis-use and squander it's stockholder's assets away like they have, and then have the gall to turn around and send them the bill.

That's it for today folks.


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