Saturday, April 30, 2011

BloggeRhythms 5/30/2011

Just saw a blurb on Fox saying records released yesterday show Trump "dodged" the Vietnam War. Don't know if it's true or not, but in any case it looks like he set himself up for some hardball with Obama.

In the meantime, since there's no real news other than stormy weather, I'll add something I should have said yesterday about Trump's epithet filled tirade in Nevada, but then the entry would have been far too long.

First some background. I spent my formative years on New York's Upper East Side, Park Avenue and 93rd, then the heart of the city's premium real estate, and still is today. So, in a way I spent my youth the same way he did, as far as surroundings go, and the area where he's built many buildings he now formerly owned. However, regardless of where I resided, I still spent plenty of time all over Manhattan, attending school, sports in the park, hoops in the "Y", socializing, all the events of city life.

In later years, among other things I worked in shipping rooms and warehouses, spent time on the Jersey docks, drove trucks and encountered scads of real street people, including lot's of teamsters, stevedores and longshoreman.

In fact, if you read my books you'll find that the hero, Bobby Cole, is a bodyguard who works primarily in New York. He gets into all kinds of fights and scary scenes with all kinds of tough guys because it's part of his occupation. And a lot of what Bobby goes through protecting his clients is stuff I've gone through myself. That's how I know what goes on in those fights. Except for the guns -I made just about all of that up.

But, the point is I've met lot's of different kinds of really tough guys in my life. I've even gotten to know some pretty well. And there's one thing I've noticed that the best of them have in common in any kind of fights. As a matter of fact, I do it myself. They rarely raise their voices, they rarely scream and holler, they don't even make threats very often. They just step up, wipe the opponent out and quietly move on. It's generally the empty suits, weaselly wimps, sissified little sisters and paper bag punks who make all the threatening noise and then get their tail whipped, which is what I expect from Trump.

That's it for today folks,


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