Saturday, April 2, 2011

BloggeRhythms 4/2/2011

From what I can gather, if the government actually shuts down this week the vast majority of the population will be unaffected. The military, policing, border patrol and similar essential services remain in effect, and in fact, Congress and the administration don't cease operating either. So all the noise about the terrible loss to the public, is exactly that...noise.

I myself wasn't sure of how a shutdown works, so I looked it up. And I was disappointed. Because I thought for sure that Congress would be locked out for the duration. That was important because I believed it would prove that no one would miss them at all, and the country would keep moving along without a hitch, likely even smoother.

So, if a shutdown doesn't work I guess we'll all have to find another way to get them out of the picture, because keeping them around is quickly destroying the nation.

That's it for today folks


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