Thursday, April 21, 2011

BloggeRhythms 4/21/2011

I asked my wife, as I usually do, what she thought of recent entries and, as expected, she told me the truth. She said they were okay writing-wise, but as far as the subjects go, they were also quite boring.

And, her response made me realize that she'd hit upon something that's a major part of our current fiscal problems. Because although the financial future of the country is in real jeopardy due to being so grossly mis-managed, the subject isn't one that most of the public understands or cares to learn. And that's how politicos usually get away with wholesale ineptitude, or perhaps, actual harmful planning. Because, if very few are watching them, they can do whatever they want.

Except, this time around it may not be so easy, because we're not in a situation right now where one party or the other might have done a better job, yet the country still took matters in the moment we're all in very serious trouble.

So, with unemployment still remaining high, debt being piled upon debt beyond anything seen before, the dollar weakening against all foreign currencies, small businesses still unable to borrow, and gasoline soon to surpass its highest historical prices I'd have to think that this is the worst job done by any administration ever, including Jimmy Carter.

And I think it's really a shame that what I've just typed is as boring as boring gets, but if folks don't start reading about the horrendous condition their country's in and try to do something about it, they may find more exciting things to do, but won't be able to do them at all, unless they cost less than a quarter. Because that's just about all they'll have left.

That's it for today folks.


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