I looked out my kitchen window at about 2 o'clock this afternoon and did a double take. Because, right there on my front lawn was a flock of Canadian geese. And although I don't know very much about birds, I still understand that they thrive on cold.
Actually, they didn't stay around too long. I guess because they couldn't find much to eat. But, I'm pretty sure that right before they took off, the leader said something like, "Let's head down to Tennessee and Al Gore's house. I heard they have lots of frozen worms down there this year."
In the meantime, Sarah Palin spoke at a national celebration marking the centennial of Ronald Reagan's birth on February 6. And although commentators and pundits, and of course politicos like Palin, always refer to Reagan as some kind of visionary and icon far above most mere mortals, to me he always seemed to be a regular guy possessed of a lot of common sense.
Because, what was "Reaganomics" really? I always thought his platform was pretty simple. He said that high debt of any kind and taxes, dense government regulation and rising spending, often for programs that don't work, will sink the nation if left alone. And all you have to do is the merest of homework today, and view the current situation to prove he was right. But, this isn't any kind of genius theory, anyone with a pencil can figure it out.
Palin also said a rush toward green energy was overlooking the nation's oil and natural gas reserves, a choice that will cost jobs and drive up pump prices, blaming Washington leaders for doing "everything in their power to stymie responsible domestic drilling."
Naturally, I not only agree with her position, I've written several blogs on the issue myself. And I still don't understand why our protection of the bat-winged whippoorwill and fuscia guppy are important enough to break the economic back of our population of people. The premise is so far beyond moronic, I can't find the appropriate descriptive words.
Now, don't get me wrong here. I'm certainly not trying to promote Sandra Palin, and frankly, don't think she's anywhere near qualified to lead the United States. But, she happened to have mentioned Reagan and I used her verbiage, because I think he did a very good job in office and his platform made a lot of sense.
That's it for today folks.
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