Friday, February 25, 2011

BloggeRhythms 2/25/2011

Since this union fiasco in Indiana is still going on, I had a thought this morning about what would happen if a situation like this arose in a business environment, where a group of employees simply ran away and hid.

Now, naturally I understand that there can be disputes between management and the rank and file, that's what strikes are all about. But, what I had in mind was situations where there's disagreement amongst managers, and one's who think they're losing the argument simply pack up and leave town.

Could, or would, any business tolerate a scenario like that?

I mean, how could any entity operate successfully if those who disagree with decisions, or contemplate they will, stamp their feet and say "No, I won't do that," and then run away and hide, threatening not to return until they get their way.
There's no business on Earth that could survive under those circumstances, and no business would tolerate it either.

But, that's the real world, and the real world knows how to either fix those things or prevent them from happening in the first place. And that's because businesses that survive learn to be efficient and where to draw lines regarding decision making. And, that's not to say that people aren't free to decide they don't like the way things are run or done. Because they certainly are. However, most often non-believers are asked to find employment somewhere else.

Yet, aside from the ridiculousness of supposedly mature adults who choose to hide away when faced with problems they can't solve, the Indiana situation illustrates something else. Businesses have little tolerance for disagreement or disruption because they don't have the time or resources to waste on things like that. Politicians however don't really care about either subject, because all they have is valueless time to fill, coupled with a total disregard for how they give away other people's money.

That's it for today folks.


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