It seems to me that in almost all walks of life and professions, talents and abilities seem to fall into bell curve categories. In each, there are very small numbers of performers at the ends of the curves, outstanding ones on one end, miserable failures on the other, and a large conglomeration of mediocrity in the middle.
Consequently, when you deal with the entire population contained in a particular category, you find that very few of those included have superior value and the rest are ordinary at best. And that example can certainly be applied to the unions extant in our country today. A few souls in each, perhaps do have stellar talent, but all the rest are treated as being equals, though they're certainly not.
And while there's no doubt that unions once served a needed and laudable service, the world has changed significantly in recent years, and these organizations no longer help, they hamper and hinder. And nowhere can that be seen more evidently than in education.
Today's salaries, benefits and working conditions continue to enhance the lives of teachers, yet their mission, education of students, declines faster every year. The United States is practically a third world nation, education-wise.
Thus, if we're all lucky, the situation in Wisconsin will serve to break the back of the teacher's union and provide a window for replacing those empty suits with competent folks who not only want a job, but also are willing to work.
What's more, I doubt there'll be much lost if the teachers strike. Because I myself went through the best public school system in the nation in New York City. And I know I learned everything of value in my life after I got out from under it, and began educating myself.
That's it for today folks,
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