Saturday, June 5, 2010

BloggeRhythms 6/5/2010

Very pleased I got that great review of my new book Cole Calling, and have been spending time with my son, while he upgrades the Bobby Cole website. He’s doing a super job, far better than what I see other developers produce. But, you can judge for yourself at:

Saw on the tube this AM that the president went to the Gulf again -for the third time. And got to thinking, what does he do when he flies over? Does he look down from however many thousand feet and say “Yep. Sure looks like oil to me allright.”

I mean, other than giving Soros a two billion dollar U. S. loan guarantee to drill in Brazil for South American consumption only, what does Obama know about oil? And, what does a fly-over accomplish? Is he going to suit up, swim down and plug the thing himself? I think the closest that he ever actually got to oil was greasing the palms of street thugs who helped him get the vote out last time.

Of course, I do remember when Bush got roasted, toasted and blasted because he waited a few days before going down to see the results of hurricane Katrina. But as Bush asked then, “What do I know about hurricanes and their aftermaths in the first place?” He thought it was wiser to stay out of the way and let professionals do their jobs, instead of turning a disaster into a distracting media circus.

Then again, if Bush was president today, with all this turmoil in the Gulf, there’d be lynch mobs across the street from the White House screaming about what he’d done to cause the problem, how his big oil compatriots were somehow profiting along with Dick Cheney, the media would be calling for his impeachment and the Dems in congress would be demanding another electoral recount.

Of course, there’s always another side of the coin that’s brighter for the White House. In this case while the media’s tied up in the Gulf, it means thousands more illegal’s can sneak into Arizona under the news radar, before the pressure returns there in the press. And every vote counts -legal or not- especially in the next election.

So, I guess, the president will keep circling the Gulf for as long as he can because flying high over troubled water is far safer than facing whatever awaits on the ground.

That’s it for today folks


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