Tuesday, June 22, 2010

BloggeRhythms 6/22/2010

The beat goes on. It seems, President Obama recalled the top U.S. general in the Afghanistan War, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, after McChrystal criticized several top U.S. officials, saying he felt "betrayed" by the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan.

The general was called to Washington for his "disparaging comments." In a profile published in Rolling Stone, titled "The Runaway General," McChrystal is characterized as an outsider who didn't relate well with the administration, and as a military leader was "disappointed" with his first meeting with the president.

The subhead of the story reads: "Stanley McChrystal , Obama's top commander in Afghanistan, has seized control of the war by never taking his eye off the real enemy: The wimps in the White House." But after news of the comments sent shock waves through political and military circles from D.C. to Afghanistan, McChrystal quickly issued an apology for his "bad judgment."

What the preceding indicates to me is a never changing shell game played in D. C. I think the general originally stated what he believes and found that all the weapons in Afghanistan got turned around and aimed at him. And now, the administration has to find a way to blow him out for trying to tell the truth. Shortly, there'll likely be his resignation. And if he says it's for health reasons, he's probably right, because when the White House drops a safe on you, that can smart.

And why is that the press never mentions the presidents major campaign issue which was to bring all U.S. troops home from everywhere, first thing after his election? He said the Middle Eastern wars were a sham and a ploy for Bush and his friends who drill for oil, and that the military was mis-used because the nuclear threats didn't exist. So, how come we're still in Iraq and he's escalating Afghanistan.

In the meantime we've never gotten a drop of oil from Iraq and likely never will, and certainly never went there for oil in the first place. We went there because the U.N. told Sadam to give up his weapons of mass destruction twelve times in resolutions, but he refused to listen.

Then when the U.N. wimped out like they usually do, we went in to fix it with some of our friends. But, after all that time Sadam was able to ship his weapons to Syria which is likely where they are now, if not in Iran or buried in the desert. Yet, the press couldn't care less because Bush is bad, Obama's good and that's the end of that for them.

In the meantime, enough oil's pouring into the Gulf of Mexico to fuel up most of the cars in the U.S. for ages to come, but we're going to wind up buying instead from Soros in Brazil. Because that's where our money was bet by the Dem's in a 2 billion dollar loan guaranty for Soros by the U.S. But, nobody mentions that either. To find the story anywhere you need a 500X-lens microscope and tweezers or watch Fox news, heaven forbid.

All said and done though, what I think the real crime is that the politicians in power do what they do without compunction. They treat the population as if it didn't exist and assume they've been granted unadulterated, unbridled, unequivocal power to do whatever they wish in their self-serving interest. That's a pretty depressing and distasteful assumption regarding those who vote and yet, every election we go out and prove they're exactly right.

That's it for today folks.


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