Big day today. Celebrating 2 wonderful years of marriage. Out of the actual total we've been wed, 2 really good years isn't bad at all. At a happy day here and a pleasant day there, that's 730 days of bliss out of the 17,520 all told we've been hitched (17,532 counting leap years.) I don't think most married folks get that many, so we must be doing something right.
While we're sitting here quite pleased about staying betrothed for so long, General McChrystal and Obama are contemplating divorce. Another relationship turning to dust. And, to me, that doesn't make any sense.
As I understand the problem, the general's in trouble because he was quoted as saying that the folks in the administration don't have a clue about what's really going on in Afghanistan from a military perspective. I'd think, considering who populates the party in power right now, the general's probably right and simply related what he was thinking at the time.
Now, let's look at the situation objectively. If the government actually ran like a well-managed business, efficiently and without a political axe to grind, how would important decisions be made? First and foremost, I think, the people to talk to continually and learn from would be the employees on the "front line." The ones dealing with the actual customers and gathering information directly from them, and also those actually operating the equipment and working within the systems.
Because, the stuffed shirts and managerial types haven't got a clue as to what the real world's about, their major goal is keeping their jobs, pointing fingers and staying unscathed by actual work. That's generally the case for all so-called executives, regardless of employment type, military, civilian or otherwise.
So, now in the general's case you have a guy who's on the front line every day working hand in hand with his people and interfacing one on one with Afghanistan's leadership. If he doesn't know first-hand what's really going on nobody does. And now, because the facts he relates don't mesh with the political falsehood's that have been painted, he's getting the boot. Well, if we really want to win this war, why isn't it the other way around? I think it's true that some folks ought to be fired, but McChrystal isn't one of them.
But I believe the real goal for the White House right now is keeping this "issue" as the top story in the news. Because their miserable mismanagement of the oil spill in their attempt to bolster Soros is something they'd like off the front pages. Then there's the courts overturning their further Soros boost by trying to cut off all drilling exploration in the Gulf.
Top that with the fact that the stimulus package ain't stimulatin' nothin' and new homeowner tax credits have run out, which will soon sink the markets and you've got a triple-header of grief for the thugs from Chicago.
The last time Chicago helped a candidate it was JFK. But that was the Giancana crew and they knew what they were doing for the candidate and his rum-running dad. These clowns from Project Acorn and are amateurs, and arrogant to boot. A bad combination for ones trying to steal a nation for a Hungarian immigrant with a couple of bucks and a 2 billion dollar loan guaranty from us U.S. taxpayers.
The good news is that the beat still goes on and this stuff comes out more often each day in the press, no matter how they try to cover it up. But, I think the topper of all grief for the Dem's is McChrystal's thought that Hillary would have been a better leader for the military. That's like saying instead of whoever it was that coached the New York Knicks, you'd rather have had Stevie Wonder.
That's it for today folks.
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