Just a note to start today. While I haven't an iota of evidence, nor heard a word from anywhere at all inferring even the slightest of hints, the question floating around in the back of my mind asks: Was the oil leak in the Gulf really accidental?
Because when the discussion of off-shore drilling comes up next week, I don't have the slightest doubt that, for as long as the current administration is in office, it hasn't got a prayer of passage.
One of the reasons I began today's entry about the oil spill is something I've mentioned in writings before. Friends of mine and myself spend considerable time discussing happenings in the world covering myriad subjects, from politics to the economy, to the military, to immigration, literature, movies, TV, sports, local happenings and the like. More or less whatever rises to the top each day, and catches our attention.
Now, when we discuss whatever it is amongst ourselves, it's simply general conversation. Certainly, no one sits there taking notes. And yet, seemingly quite often, things occur sometime later, as if out of the blue in fact, that we've considered and spoken about at a much earlier time.
Some examples include things like the last presidential campaign itself. The president, we thought, was very clear early on during his speeches to describe in detail exactly what he planned to do if elected. It was also known to anyone who paid the slightest attention that the push that got him in office came from George Soros' money and his moveon.org. Additionally the likes of Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and others who are generally loud, in your face, and picking at the slightest of nits, backed off for a while. Even the Right Reverend Wright eventually shut up.
And now, when the pay-backs are being made, like Soros' two billion dollar loan guaranty from the Federal Government to drill for oil in Brazil, not a drop of which production is to be sent to the U.S., or Sharpton is given a national spotlight from the White House when he goes after an "Arizona" iced tea company located in Brooklyn, or the general in charge of our armed forces in the Middle-East subtly threatens Israel with potential retaliation if they interfere in any way in Iran, stunned voters and political supporters are evidently in a state of shock. They act as if they'd been sand-bagged.
So, my question for today is, what is it with these evidently deaf, dumb and blind followers of any democrat pied piper? How many times, and by how many so-called leaders do they have to be sold out before they realize they've lined up on the wrong side of the aisle?
This blog of mine isn't very old, only a couple of months, yet in that short while I've mentioned many times already that I don't read any newspaper, nor watch any TV news, never turn the radio on and have no other access to political information. Yet in the little dribs and drabs I get strictly from others, I knew all this stuff. Nothing the administration is doing right now is unexpected to me and I know for certain, it's going to get worse.
That's why I still have the same question I asked here the other day. It should be apparent to anyone capable of the lowest level of intellectualization that as far as the president is concerned, the most important thing on the agenda is re-election, regardless of the pap he spews that it doesn't matter at all. So, if that's the case, one has to assume he's taking it easy right now as far as policy change goes.
Well, if that's true, and what we've seen so far are minimal efforts at change, including the ruination of the best health care system on the planet, what's in store if he actually gets re-elected? I think there may come a time in the not too distant future when Mexico will need to man the other side of the border fences, to keep disgruntled, deserted, down-trodden, disgusted democrats from departing the United States.
That's it for today folks.
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