Though not really "political" news, there's finally an item worth some typing. It seems that Mr. Obama has decided to take a Memorial Day vacation and skip laying a wreath at the tomb of the unknown military. And, while trying to write this introduction, to check my facts, I came across the following on a website called REDSTATE.
Since I certainly can't state the situation any better than they have, I'm just going to paste in their thoughts. "Barack Obama wants to go on vacation — the second vacation he has had since oil began spilling out of the gulf. That’s okay though because the oil spilling is George W. Bush’s fault, just like all the new dead soldiers are George Bush’s fault too. (So)Why should he care?"
Now, I'm only mentioning this because it serves as a backdrop for a conversation I was marginally involved last night in a tavern, that blew up into a potential fracas. But, at least I had the good sense to depart before any blows were thrown and the chance of physical harm was thereby avoided.
It all started when some guy interjected his thoughts into a discussion between myself, my wife and a friend. I mentioned that I'd heard that the president was going to vacation, rather than conduct the traditional event of wreath laying at the unknown's tomb. I went on to say that I thought as far as the military was concerned, they were probably pleased by the non-attendance, because the mutual hatred between Obama and uniforms is thick enough to cut with a knife.
Well, the other guy jumps in at this point to say that I was wrong, "Everybody needs a Boss, and for an event like this, the Boss ought to show up." I replied that Obama is no more the "boss" of the military than is Zippy the Chimp, and no soldier on Earth would lay down his life for him. So, the guy then responds, as a figurehead Obama is the boss and the event is symbolic, therefore, the man in charge should attend. To that I replied that if you really want the person in charge, the one to bring in is George Soros, because Obama's never run a damn thing in his entire natural life.
Now we'd both stated our cases and that should have been that, but for this obsequious worm it wasn't enough. He went on through this whole speech about how everybody needs a boss, for leadership and direction, and therefore it was unquestionable that the "leader" be there for the good of the people.
At that point, I lost it and said that at the present time there's a guy in the White House who because of an election is President of the United States, and along with that job comes the title of Commander in Chief. But this guy is no commander of anything and never will be and anyone with half a brain knows that. There's a chain of command in the military right up to the Joint Chiefs, and that's the leadership our enlistees respect, all the rest is pomp and political noise.
However, now let's look at the other side. Supposing that you accept the premise that it's the duty of the Commander in Chief to show up for such ceremonies, although he's cares not a whit. What kind of example does that set? Troops of military standing at attention saluting a fraud. No, I'd rather not see that. I much prefer dealing with someone who believes he's bigger than any issue and not encumbered by what others have done in the past. Because those actions add grease to the floor he'll slide out on as he exits the post he obviously had no use or respect for to begin with.
That's it for today folks.
Your question's a good one, but requires too much information to answer in the blog itself. I'll try to answer your question personally, via email, in time. Also, though I entered what I did yesterday, those comments regarded a specific situation, and I think answers itself as to what and why I wrote as I did.
ReplyDeleteBut, to clarify, I sincerely believe that the president put himself above the importance of a holiday that has great signifigance to much of the population, and even moreso to those who either themselves, or by relation , or in any other way, have served or have an association with our military. And, it would be one thing if this was an isolated circumstance for cause, but going back to the presidential campaign, the president's disdain and loathing of anything U.S. military was openly shown and stated. Lastly, he's a person with absolutely no political record, no senatorial voting record on anything important, no real supporter of any national issues, and no job experience of any kind relating to preparation for the office he holds. He was elected via a huge surge of funds and manipulation via George Soros and and replaced a lame duck who was at the bottom of a horrendous pile of negative political situations most of which were caused by a democrat congress, not the administration.