Wednesday, April 7, 2010

BloggeRhythms 4/7/2010

Yesterday's blog has generated some feedback, which I'm glad to see because it gives me an indication of reader's interests. In this case though, I'm not so sure the input is of real help. And that's because there seems to be a significant difference of opinion.

One side of the equation thinks that a description of an unidentified character I'd planned to include in one of my books had folks I know checking their mirrors to see if they were the grungy, seedy, decrepit, distasteful whatever I had mentioned. Just to be certain it wasn't them. Because, who on Earth would want to be perceived as a disheveled, disgusting, unkempt lout, much less have that image memorialized on paper.

The other faction's opinion, however, is exactly the reverse. They believe that there are those who think the most important thing is simply to be noticed, regardless of the reason. And, therefore they're sure there are some out there who'd gladly grunge themselves up, if they thought that would gain them some attention. And, thinking this through as I write, I'm certain they're correct. A whole slew of actors, authors, creative types and certain cliques of musicians, to provide a few examples, come right to mind. For them, the more outlandish and ridiculous one's appearance and behavior, so much the better.

These two opposing schools of thought now leave me with a dilemma. Because, my editor's immediate response back then was to sternly command that my offensive words be stricken from my draft at once and erased without further mention. But now that I've received differing opinions, was our editing decision correct?

What if the sleazy, slimy, insidious scrounge in question dressed and conducted themselves that way willfully, and on purpose. As an attention-getting device or for some other self-promoting or self-pleasing purpose. If that's truly the case, then by removing my description of this slug from my pages, I've taken away a possible chance for their recognition, satisfaction or whatever, and perhaps, even future fame.

Alas, what am I to do now? This certainly illustrates why Solomon had so many problems. The burdens of trying to do what's right for all are simply humongous. But I think I see a solution. So, if it's not too much of an effort for you readers out there -in the future please print this blog and after you've picked a side of the issue that you agree with, simply cut the pages in half and keep the part you like.

That's it for today folks.


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