The last few entries have turned out to be quite long. I had no particular plan to make them so, it's just how the stories worked out. Today, though, is another matter. I've got a tight schedule and so, I've got to keep it short.
My subject for now is the administration again, but, once more, I don't mean to make political comments. My purpose is just to look at some current issues and let them speak for themselves.
When the President began his campaign for election, he made many long, detailed speeches. And, during them he was very clear, I thought, in spelling out what his ideas and plans were in many, if not most, areas of governance. He also was quite specific about his perception and stance regarding foreign relations.
What became very clear to me during that time, was how dramatic the changes would be if he were elected, because he specifically aimed to do some re-modeling that negatively affected significant sectors of the typical Democrat voting base. Thus, what seemed quite odd to me at the time, was the support he continued to receive from those very same voters, because they tend to be types that are involved, stay on top of the news, know the issues, and freely communicate amongst each other.
I, on the other hand, don't read newspapers, keep the sound off on my TV and don't have the remotest link to any provider of political information. To this day, I've never even heard the sound of the President's voice and haven't a clue about his purported oratorical skills, because, frankly, I couldn't care less about them. Now don't get me wrong here, it's not the President's skills alone I couldn't care less about, I don't listen to any politicians rhetoric, regardless of party, primarily because it's a waste of my time and, most often, an insult to my intelligence quotient.
Yet, I, in my input free cocoon, was still very aware of what the candidate's plans were, and reasonably expected a backlash from those in certain Democrat strongholds whom were being sold out and would soon be on their way down the proverbial river. And now, with the Presidency into it's second year, and the administration performing precisely as promised, these damaged constituencies seem to be shocked. Taxes are being piled upon taxes, the best health-care system in the world is about to be leveled, contradictory comments are verboten, long-term allies are being threatened with severe penalties, perhaps ceasure of support, if directions from D.C. are not followed to a "T", and the remodeling has really yet to begin.
Because, like every incumbent, the most critical issue of all is re-election. Nothing else matters but to keep the gravy train chugging along. So, my question for today is: If common sense says that the administration is taking it easy right now, to try not to scare off dyed-in the-wool, slam-dunk, fall-in-line, drank the Kool-Aid voters, what's in store for these people after the President's re-election when he's got nothing to lose? Because I sense that if he's brought back for a second time around, it's reasonable to assume that the last Holocaust will look like a walk in the park.
That's it for today folks.
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