As the mainstream media reacts to the POTUS’s tax reform plan, two
alternative possibilities arise regarding their negativity toward his
While knee-jerk objections are certainly to be expected, since the subject is
taxes two possibilities exist regarding the media’s negativity. The first is
simply in keeping with their continual rejection of anything proposed by any
Republican, anywhere, anytime, regardless of the issue involved.
The other alternative, and certainly very possible, is that they simply don’t
understand the subject in the slightest yet spout their unfounded gibberish
And as often happens, Rush discussed the subject in well-informed
detail yesterday, saying: “I get so tired of it. I get so frustrated watching
this stuff. It’s amazing after all these years I’m still sane. I just watched
idiocy on CNN. I mean, idiocy above the norm. It’s about tax cuts and what these
people are saying about tax cuts. “Well, you know…” They had some babe, some
CNN, I don’t know, reporter, analyst, I don’t know who she was. I’ve never seen
her before. Don’t know her name. Doesn’t matter. They’re all cookie cutters over
“And this woman is out there saying, “If we’re gonna have tax cuts, we must
find a way to pay for them, otherwise the deficit will explode out of control
just like happened with Reagan, especially in the first term.” I’m pulling my
hair out. Because it’s not what happened. The deficit didn’t grow; the deficit
came down. The amount of money that was generated by tax cuts, tax rate cuts,
they weren’t tax cuts. They were cuts in the rate. It led to more revenue being
From there Rush explained quite accurately that in eight years, “Reagan
almost doubled the amount of revenue that the government collected from taxes.”
Taking the tack that the “woman is obviously brain-dead” and “just repeating
and regurgitating in robot-like fashion the drivel and bilge that she’s been
taught,” Rush then dispelled another of her propositions wherein she said: “Well, you know, we must start talking about deductions, too, because the Trump
administration is only cutting taxes for the very rich and those who want to be
very rich, and this is not fair, and we must seriously look at the home mortgage
deduction. You know why? You know why? Because the home mortgage deduction is
very, very bad. It’s leading us to buy McMansions, and that is not good.”
To that, Rush responded that there are indeed “some ways that government actually
does create wealth, but not in the sense we’re talking about. [T]he essential
argument here is that when you cut taxes on businesses and on individuals, you
leave both with much more income in their possession to do with whatever they
choose: to spend it, to invest it, or what have you.”
And that led to the most important point about tax cuts and why they work
because “it all ends up circulating in the economy. It is not in government, and
it’s not being wasted, it’s not being spent on things to buy votes. It’s being
spent on things that improve the lives of people. When businesses benefit from
tax cuts, they can hire more employees because their businesses grow. When more
people are hired, more taxpayers are created. More people paying taxes equals
more money going to Washington.
“It’s simple mathematics. This is the result of reducing tax rates. Reducing
tax rates does not reduce tax revenue. Quite the opposite. Reducing tax rates
means that taxpayers and businesses keep more of what is theirs. And how they
use it grows the economy. Growing the economy means companies get bigger and
need more employees. Individuals get wealthier and buy more things. All of this
stimulates an economy which is growing.”
Referring to Reagan who believed the tax structure he inherited was “absurd,”
Rush rightfully explained that under him “in eight years the top marginal
rate dropped from 70% to 28. Now, what happened to government revenue in those
eight years? It nearly doubled, from $500 billion to almost a trillion dollars,
reducing the marginal tax rate from 70% to 28%. The revenue doubled.”
And it’s the Reagan results that Rush believes are the cause for the Democrat
Party’s immediately beginning history revisionism whereas they “could not permit
that stat to become common knowledge.”
Getting to specifics, Rush presented the fact that "the top 1% are
paying nearly 40% of all income tax revenue. Stop and think of that. The top 1%.
You have to have an adjusted gross income of over a million dollars a year to be
in the top 1%. Those people are paying nearly 40% of the entire tax burden while
it is said the rich aren’t paying their fair share. It’s an out-and-out lie,
like all of liberalism is and like most of the Democrat Party is.
“The top 20% are paying 50%. The bottom 50% of wage earners in America are
paying zero. The bottom 50% are paying effectively nothing. They are
contributing, if you want to use that word, literally nothing. So the reality on
the ground is the exact opposite of the way the Democrat Party has positioned
all of this. It is inarguable that lowering tax rates — now, you reach a point
where you can’t lower them and still create wealth, but we’re not there.”
And as a result of the above, it can be seen as to why the leftist
mainstream media most assuredly doesn't want their audiences exposed to factual
reality. Because if those in the Democrat base gained employment and any kind of
financial success due to an expanding economy, they’d almost assuredly begin
voting Republican in the future.
CNN reporters however aren’t the only ones who have nothing of viable value
to offer their audiences. Other leftists too have been reduced to babbling
inanely in the absence of having anything substantive to offer at all.
Pam Key reports that: “Wednesday on MSNBC’s
“Hardball,” host Chris Matthews said President Donald Trump’s “boasts and
bragging” was “simian,” adding it was like a “monkey banging with a stick.”
“Matthews said, “The ego here is — well it’s something. By the way, his teeth
come out like it’s simian almost. It’s simian, like a monkey banging with a
stick, You know, ‘I’m the biggest. I’m the biggest.’ Pounding his chest. It does
have a simian quality to it, I mean primordial, I should say.”
Members of the audience, however, proved once again their awareness of the
realities regarding the media.
Lance1234 commented: “Had anyone dared compare Obama to a simian of
any sort for any reason, Matthews would have immediately launched into a
diatribe against the racist who would dare do it.”
thats MR Deporable to you! added: “This proves that the left is so
completely rattled that this all they have and insults.”
That's it for today folks.
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