Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Today’s another in which the new POTUS continues fulfilling campaign promises while Democrats persist in chasing their tails as they take their party further backward.  

According to, today President Trump “ordered the Interior Department to review national monument designations dating back 20 years for millions of acres of land, arguing former presidents have “abused” the system and vowing to return such authority to citizens and state lawmakers.” 

“Today, we are giving power back to the states and people where it belongs,” Trump said in signing the executive order at the Interior Department headquarters in Washington, D.C. “This massive federal land grab; it’s gotten worse and worse.” 

Vowing to end the “abuses” he said the law also gives federal government “unlimited power to lock up millions of acres of land and water” and that it has been used on hundreds of millions of acres.  

“The executive order targets protections from the past three presidents and two spots in Utah: former President Barack Obama’s designation of the 1.35 million-acre Bear Ears National Monument in Utah and former President Bill Clinton’s designation in 1996 of the Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument. 

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said before the signing: “Let me be clear, this executive order does not reverse any monument designation.”    

While the national monument executive order is intended to return power and control to the people, where it belongs, Trump also displayed a different attitude toward involving others regarding serious situations facing the nation.  

Edmund DeMarche, also, reports: “In an unusual move, all 100 senators were invited to attend a classified meeting later Wednesday at the White House to discuss the North Korea and its growing bellicosity.”

Some of Trump’s top cabinet members will attend the meeting to provide input to the attendees, “including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson—who will chair the meeting-- and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis.”

Thus we have a major departure from the past where it was far more common to read items such as this one from Steve Holland on January 29, 2014:

“President Barack Obama vowed on Tuesday to bypass a divided Congress and take action on his own to bolster America's middle class in a State of the Union address that he used to try to breathe new life into his second term after a troubled year.

“Standing in the House of Representatives chamber before lawmakers, Supreme Court justices and VIP guests, Obama declared his independence from Congress by unveiling a series of executive orders and decisions - moves likely to inflame already tense relations between the Democratic president and Republicans.” 

While the differences between the new POTUS and his predecessor are enormous, the MSM has either failed to grasp the positive swing taking place in the nation or is purposefully distorting it. This can be seen in an article by Rob Lever @afp via via Drudge this morning, as follows: . 

“Newspapers such as the New York Times have seen a significant bounce in circulation since Trump's victory last November and cable news networks have also enjoyed a ratings rise. 

"You can attribute a lot of that to Donald Trump," said Dan Kennedy, a Northeastern University journalism professor, said there is more interest in news because it is a time of "great anxiety." 

“A key question for the media is whether the bump in ratings and subscriptions is temporary or indicative of a trend. 

"It may end up being more sustainable than we might think even if Trump goes away," said Kennedy. 

"There is so much concern over fake news, and the garbage that is shared on Facebook," he added. "We are seeing a flight to quality." 

However, while there certainly may be more interest in the news, the professor has got his facts reversed. That’s because most well-informed readers know that there’s a far better chance of finding truth and accuracy on Facebook links than leftist propaganda machines like the New York Times, LA Times or Washington Post.     

Reader sparky2, summed it all up this way:  

“Probably the most significant of all this, is that Trump won! And he did it with every network, except Fox News, condemning him from the very first day he became a candidate. And on every network, every night it was anti-Trump as their lead stories for almost 2 years...and he won! Amazing. And shows that the credibility of the media is so low, that the more they condemn Trump the more solid he gets. The latest polls showing that 96% of the people who voted for him would do so again! That is an astounding number especially after the media's ongoing attacks.” 

And then there’s a story that certainly should have been expected, because it provides the details of what AlGore’s objective has been all along in his relentless selling of the global-warming farce.   

Michael Bastasch reports that: “A group of executives who want to fight global warming has published a new report calling for countries to spend up to $600 billion a year over the next two decades to boost green energy deployment and energy efficiency equipment. 

“The Energy Transitions Commission’s (ETC) report claims “additional investments of around $300-$600 billion per annum [$15 trillion total] do not pose a major macroeconomic challenge,” which they say will help the world meet the goals laid out in the Paris agreement.

“ETC is made up of energy executives, activist leaders and investment bankers, including former Vice President Al Gore, who would no doubt get a piece of the trillions of dollars they are calling for.” 

Read more:
Reader Cody McLuvin commented: “Many years ago I felt sorry for Al Gore. Now I have nothing but contempt for him. Love the way he flies private jets around the world, leaving a footprint probably a million times mine, then lectures me on global warming - the biggest fraud of all time.” 

The comment received 648 “Likes.” 

JapaneseRamenNoodle added: “You'd have to be a special kind of stupid to agree to this fringe organization's demand.” 

263 "Likes" for this one. 

And then Rush had a  few thoughts too: “Well, there isn’t any. There isn’t any man-made climate change. It can’t be proven, it has not been established, there is no science on it, settled or otherwise. It has never once been established that man has a damn thing to do with the climate, the weather, the temperature, what have you. And the proof is that we can’t stop any kind of weather. We’re causing it, apparently. If that’s true, then why can’t we stop it? Tornado coming, why can’t we go out there like Fidel Castro does and stand up to it, put our arm out and say, “Not here. Not here. You will hit Georgia.” 

“And why doesn’t it turn to Georgia and go destroy them? Why does it come right at us and kill us, while we’re out there standing — we can’t stop it. Same thing with a hurricane. What it takes to advance movements like this is absolute empty-headed total believers, nonthinkers, fraudulently educated. Arrogant fools are necessary to keep narratives like this alive. 

“And the mistake we make, like in climate change, a mistake we’ve made from the beginning in fighting it is to fight it on the science. There isn’t any! They make it up. Tree rings, ice cores, whatever it is, hockey stick, preordained paleocentric period. “No, the preordained paleocentric period, according to our research –” we’ve lost everybody. It’s a political argument they’re having. We made the mistake of fighting the science, when there isn’t any.” 

However, while the warming farce has been a hot button issue for Rush for many years [no pun intended,] there actually is supporting science available. Such as this from Marc Morano   

“The least-squares linear-regression trend on the RSS satellite monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly dataset shows no global warming for 18 years 8 months since May 1997, though one-third of all anthropogenic forcings have occurred during the period of the Pause. 

“It is worth understanding just how surprised the modelers ought to be by the persistence of the Pause. NOAA, in a very rare fit of honesty, admitted in its 2008 State of the Climatereport that 15 years or more without global warming would demonstrate a discrepancy between prediction and observation. The reason for NOAA’s statement is that there is supposed to be a sharp and significant instantaneous response to a radiative forcing such as adding CO2 to the air. 

“But, despite the very substantial forcings in the 18 years 8 months since May 1997, not a flicker of warming has resulted.” 

Yet, despite the supporting science proving that Rush is correct in his premise that global-warming doesn’t exist, he’s overlooking the most important fact of all. AlGore wants the money. 

That’s it for today folks. 


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