Monday, April 24, 2017


An item in today’s news suggests that the swing in U.S. politics, and other nations around the world, has finally sunk in for Bernie Sanders.  

Yesterday, on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Sanders “declared the model of the Democratic Party was failing and pointed to Republican dominance in not just Congress, but in the states as well.”

Further confirmation of “Republican dominance was reflected in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll showing that “43 percent said they would support Trump if the election were held today, compared with 40 percent for the former Democratic nominee, Clinton.”

In explanation of his awakening Sanders said: “Well, I think what is clear to anyone who looks at where the Democratic Party today is, that the model of the Democratic Party is failing. We have a Republican president who ran as a candidate as the most unpopular candidate in modern history of this country. Republicans control the House, the Senate, two-thirds of governor’s chairs and in the last eight years they have picked up 900 legislative seats. Clearly, the Democratic Party has to change.”

And then, Sanders presented what he sees as what his party must do to regain their “control” again. Which is mentioned here because, after accurately defining the Democrats problem, his solution is the same tired old mantra he and his party have been spouting for years and years.  

Sanders said: “And in my view what it has to become is a grassroots party, a party which makes decisions from the bottom on up, a party which is more dependent on small donations than large donations, a party, john, that speaks to the pain of the working class in this country. The middle class is shrinking. 43 million people living in poverty,” he continued. “Almost all new income and wealth is going to the top 1%. People can’t afford to send their kids to college. They can’t afford childcare. They can’t afford health care. The Democratic Party has to take the lead, rallying young people, working people, stand up to the billionaire class, and when we do that, you’re going to see voter turnout swell. You’re going to see people coming in and running for office. You’re going to see Democrats regain control of the United States Congress.” 

A reader, JOBO, put the situation into a succinct paragraph that is mirrored by most others who responded to Sanders outdated rhetoric. 

"Most unpopular candidate in modern history?" I believe that was the totally dishonest and corrupt Hillary! The libtards still don't get it! They promote surrendering our borders, rewarding criminal aliens for violating our laws, engage in aiding and abetting, creating "sexual constructs" for mentally disturbed people, encouraging seditious lawlessness, and then don't have the courage to confront the totally corrupt medieval and barbaric Islamic ideology undermining multiple democracies in the Western world! I am a lifetime union member who voted Democratic 80% of the time, but rest assured, after the liberal chaos I have witnessed since Trump WON the election---NEVER AGAIN!! 

At the very same time Sanders was pushing for party unity, Democrat National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said “every Democrat” should be pro-choice -- no exceptions.” 

The statement drew a swift rebuke from a top leader of his own party, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who appeared Sunday on NBC's “Meet The Press.   

Asked if a Democratic politician could be pro-life, Pelosi replied unequivocally: “Of course, I have served many years in Congress with members who have not shared my very positive – my family would say aggressive – position on promoting a woman’s right to choose.” 

Nonetheless, while the Democrats have been showing signs of disarray for quite some time now, they're not alone in losing touch with their base. The new POTUS too faces self-caused ramifications from changing positions on issues he ran on.  

In today’s case, the subject is global-warming which is addressed in an open letter to Trump from climate expert, Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D, found in an article by Duane Thresher. 

Dr. Williams “has urged the President not to give in to his daughter Ivanka’s misguided views on global warming and her insistence that the U.S. remain in the Paris climate agreement ratified by Barack Obama last August.” 

In his letter, made available to Breitbart News, Dr. Williams wrote: “Climate treaties like the Paris Agreement have little to do with climate. They are about economic competition. As the greatest economy in the history of the world, other countries will do anything to cripple the United States.” 

“Thresher, who has a PhD in Earth & Environmental Sciences from Columbia University and NASA GISS and worked for years in climate monitoring, says he understands the President’s temptation to listen to his daughter’s advice, but begs him not to give in to that temptation. 

“Countries like China will agree to anything in these treaties and simply ignore their obligations while demanding the United States fulfill theirs,” Thresher said, calling belief in global warming a “popular delusion.” 

The situation relates to today’s theme regarding politicians who lose touch with their base whereas: “In his letter, Dr. Thresher also reminded President Trump of his campaign promises that led many Americans to vote for him.   

“We who voted for you consider stopping this climate change madness one of your key promises,” Thresher said. “If you renege on it you will lose me and many others as supporters.”

And in that regard, Dr. Thresher was absolutely correct as confirmed by 2808 reader comments the vast majority similar to the ones shown below: 

Old Goat wrote: “That will be the final straw, for me. I supported Trump all the way, and his campaign promises were something to behold. If, after such a short time, he is reneging on so many of them, then I'm afraid I'm no longer interested in him. Shame, after such a promising start.” 

Deplorable all day long commented: “Trump will not survive in politics if he makes any more major decisions based on Ivanka’s screwed up liberal world view.” 

Thus, it’s now in Trump’s court to decide whether to listen to those who voted him into office, or abandon them by aligning with his daughter. 

That’s it for today folks. 


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