Wednesday, September 28, 2016


While the mainstream media continues to drain every pro-Clinton ounce that it can out of Monday’s debate, nothing's changed at all regarding the election itself.

The USC Dornsife/LA Times Presidential Election Daybreak Poll this morning shows Trump retaining his lead 46.7% to 42.6%,  four points ahead of his rival. 

While the MSM’s consistently supports Trump's rival, voters themselves don’t seem to be very interested in the message.

Erik Sandoval, reporter, writes: “Fresh off Monday night's presidential debate, Republican Donald Trump campaigned in Brevard County on Tuesday, arriving like a rock star at Melbourne International Airport.

“Trump's personal passenger jet rolled up to a waiting stairway outside the AeroMod hangar, where inside, an estimated 10,000 people waited to hear him speak. 

“Trump claimed the crowd grew to more than 20,000 while he was talking. 

“Most of the people stood in long lines outside the Melbourne airport for hours in the hot afternoon sun. Temperatures reached 90 degrees across Central Florida on Tuesday. 

“Inside the hangar, many were overcome with heat and had to be treated by paramedics.” 

This attraction demonstrated by Trump’s supporters is quite different than that received by his rival. In her case, while the audiences are significantly smaller, medical attention is not usually required by the attendees, but for she herself. 

Another perspective on Monday night’s debate came from Michael Goodwin yesterday. 

“But here’s the other side of the [debate] story: Trump won’t suffer much voter pain, certainly not enough to put victory out of reach. His secret weapon is that his core supporters, including many independents, distrust the media nearly as much as they distrust Clinton. 

“Consider that, while most media professionals said Clinton won the debate, most online polls of viewers had Trump winning. 

“The split verdict reflects a theme that goes back to the earliest GOP primary debates. Candidates who blasted media moderators for being prejudiced against Republicans got rousing ovations. 

“The anger has grown more pronounced since Trump, the ultimate outsider, crashed the party to win the nomination.” 

And then, Mr. Goodwin addresses the elephant in the newsrooms of the MSM, whose audiences are disappearing rapidly while today’s voters seek other, unbiased sources.   

Mr. Goodwin writes: “[I]t’s possible that anti-media sentiment could help decide the election. The nationwide numbers suggest the possibility. 

“A recent Gallup survey found a new low in public trust of the media, with only 32 percent of Americans saying they have a great deal or some trust in newspapers, TV and radio “to report the news fully, accurately and fairly.” Trust fell eight points in one year alone and is only 14 percent among Republicans. 

“In a change election where both candidates have historically high negative ratings, many voters could make their choice for secondary reasons. 

“Voting against the other candidate is the most likely option, while voting against the media as a proxy for voting against the establishment is emerging as another. 

“In that case, the news media could be more than part of the story. They could be the story.” 

While Mr. Goodwin is an experienced, highly popular voice regarding politics, his suggestion of the media’s garnering votes seems a bit extreme. Nonetheless, his observation regarding the shift of voters' to alternative sources is entirely accurate. 

Which is, perhaps, why Trump drew 20,000 voters to his event in Orlando the day after the MSM tries their damnedest to write him off. 

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife. 

Catherine Herridge and Pamela K. Browne today, produced an article illustrating that there are issues far more important to the upcoming election than the results of a soon-forgotten debate. 

As usual, the FBI chose late Friday afternoon to release nearly 200 highly redacted pages of so-called “302” files from the bureau’s investigation. The files included new details of the tech intervention by Clinton aide Huma Abedin and Clinton Foundation official Justin Cooper – and a third individual, a Hillary Clinton aide named Monica Hanley. 

“Hanley was interviewed twice by the FBI, on Jan. 11 and June 23. Working for Hillary Clinton as a “confidential assistant,” Hanley joined the State Department in 2009 as Hillary Clinton began her job as secretary of state.  Previously, the 35-year-old worked as an intern for Clinton while she served as a U.S. senator for New York. 

“In the released documents, Hanley emerged as the go-to staffer often tasked with finding replacements to satisfy Clinton’s chosen use of non-secure BlackBerries. Hanley stated she tried to find BlackBerries for sale on eBay and admitted that she made a trip to a mall in Virginia to try to find devices for sale. 

“The FBI document said “Hanley received a Top Secret/SCI clearance at DoS.” Despite the training, during one trip to Russia, Hanley was specifically criticized for leaving a classified document in a hotel suite she shared with Clinton during the trip. “Hanley was informed by DS (Department of State) that the briefing book and document should have never been in the suite,” the document said.” 

In addition: “Clinton Foundation official Justin Cooper who recently testified before the House oversight committee, was responsible for running the networks. In addition to his work for the Clinton Foundation, Cooper is listed as a senior adviser to Teneo Holdings, a private investment banking firm worth billions and founded by former President Bill Clinton and longtime adviser Doug Band. 

“The FBI file says Hanley told the FBI that after the conference call, “Cooper provided Hanley an Apple Mac laptop from the Clinton Foundation, which Hanley took home to her apartment (redacted.)  It was noted that “Hanley created an archive of Hillary R. Clinton’s as a result of concerns about the reported hack of Blumenthal’s account.  

“Hanley stated that Huma Abedin selected the new name of the email account,” 

So, here we have additional proof that refutes completely Bill’s wife’s contention that she was technologically ignorant. In fact, she was sophisticated to the extent that she specifically assigned an aide to acquire, maintain and update personally favored equipment. 

What’s more, by the newly exposed overlap of personnel's responsibilities between the state department, Clinton Foundation and private businesses, its a virtual certainty that top level breaches of confidentiality took place in the past. 

All of which indicates that If Trump is one who learns from experience, he now has another major issue to pursue when the next debate rolls around. And if the result turns out as it should, strongly in his favor, the ongoing question needs asking once more: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz; are you guys reading this?  

That's it for today folks.      


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