Thursday, September 22, 2016


Once again, the weekly analysis from pollster Rasmussen, via Drudge, contains substantial detail that portends far more than just what the overall results indicate. 

“The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly White House Watch telephone and online survey finds Trump with 44% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 39%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson earns eight percent (8%) of the vote, while Green Party nominee Jill Stein holds steady at two percent (2%). Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are still undecided.” 

That means the trend toward Trump is continuing whereas last week the spread was only 2% (42% to 40%) after trailing his rival by four points the week before. What’s more: “Trump’s total this week ties his highest ever level of support from two months ago.” 

As noted above, however, the significant keys are in the analytical breakdown. Overall, both candidates earn comparable support from voters in their own party. Trump’s at 76%, compared to 75%. But while much is made of top Republicans refusing their support of Trump, little is heard about Democrat party abandonment. 

Poll results show that while 10% of Republicans join former President George H.W. Bush in supporting the Democrat candidate, fourteen percent (14%) of Democrats prefer Trump. And perhaps more importantly, Trump has a commanding 45% to 27% lead this week among voters not affiliated with either major political party. Which means that since the party line vote is in a virtual tie, independents appear to be ready to swing the election itself to him quite handily. 

And then, on the same subject, syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer was quoted spouting nonsensical gibberish. 

Tuesday on "Special Report with Bret Baier" he said that “the presidential debates are going to be crucial this time around for candidate and voters.”  

“With Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump starting to take a slight lead in some battleground state polls, such as North Carolina and Ohio, Krauthammer said "it's getting late early" for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.”  

Krauthammer then said that since both candidates are well-known to voters, "the upcoming debates are going to play a bigger role than in years past, especially for Clinton." 

"People know who they are...I'm not sure what her advertising advantage is going to be at this point," he said.  

And that's where everyday simple logic went out the window. Because at this point it’s probable that likely voters know each candidate and their platforms inside out, upside down, and every other way possible. Which means that it’s practically impossible for anything new to be “sold” to the audience in a debate of any kind.

As a practical reality, when the debate is over, Trump will still be a political outsider taking his best shot at the White House with a host of common-sensical solutions to the nation’s ills. And his rival will still be an overrated failure as a Senator and Secretary of State who’s tied into one of the biggest slush funds ever created and the recipient of millions of bucks ripped off in an international pay to play extortion scheme.   
And therefore, anyone gullible enough to buy what’s spouted in answer to a questionable moderator who’s got his own axe to grind is most probably too dumb to find a voting booth with a Sherpa guide, hunting dog, 1000 watt flashlight and Google street-finder.   

Farther along in the article, even the author corroborated the point by writing: “While history has shown that the debates do not alter the basic shape of the race, Krauthammer said this year will be different.” 

Nonetheless, Krauthammer ended by saying: “The importance of these debates is gonna exceed the importance of any debates in any race that we have ever seen." And in that regard he might even be correct. Because he didn’t qualify his prediction with any specifics. Which means that if previous debates had a 0% impact on the race and this one has a 1% impact, Krauthammer’s right in his assumption.    

As for myself, it’ll be Monday Night Football and the Falcons against the Saints were I can watch a game and American flag desecration by totally spoiled multi-millionaire ingrates at the same time.

 And then, a friend sent this one:

 Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

This one was selected because of the headline found in an on-line search this morning: “Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by Six Points in Latest WSJ/NBC Poll”

While the headline seemed confusedly inaccurate and contradictory to fact, the article began: “Hillary Clinton is maintaining her edge over Republican rival Donald Trump despite recent campaign setbacks, but the 2016 presidential race continues to tighten going into the homestretch, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has found.

“After a rocky week of controversy over her health and for calling some of Mr. Trump’s supporters “deplorables,” the Democratic nominee leads Mr. Trump by 6 percentage points, 43% to 37%, among people likely to vote, the survey found. Two third-party candidates drew 12% support.” 

And then, buried in the text much farther on it’s disclosed that results came from “Democratic pollster Fred Yang.” After that, it’s noted that Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster “also helped conduct the survey.” 

While the article itself may well reflect bias on the part of the Journal and certainly NBC, a well-written reflection of what a significant number of voters think was submitted by a reader, patricia howell who wrote: “The Media has helped me decide who I will vote for. CNN, long my go-to for objective news, has become Clinton-centric to a fault along with the papers I read (have read) everyday; their outright bias is beyond what I can bear. 

“As a long-time moderate Republican, I was unhappy with Donald Trump and considered a write-in vote but Hillary Clinton will only continue the downward spiral of this country. So, despite some misgivings and to repudiate the constant barrage of what I see, hear and read, I will vote for Donald Trump on Election Day.” 

Thus, it’s once again become apparent that regardless of what leftist journalists attempt to convey about Bill Clinton’s wife’s popularity, the majority of voters themselves don’t seem to be in agreement. Which brings up the ongoing question once more: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz; are you guys reading this?   
That's it for today folks.  


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