As the mainstream media intensifies its vilification of Trump, the voting
public doesn’t seem to be getting or agreeing with the messages.
Today’s USC Dornsife/LA Times Presidential Election Daybreak Poll
shows Trump still ahead of his rival by 5.6%. He stands at 47.3% and she at
While Democrat leaders shake their heads in wonderment about how Trump’s been
able to survive this long in the contest, a couple of items in the news today
provide some answers.
The Washington Free Beacon via, reports:
“Chelsea Clinton opted to travel to a “clean energy” roundtable in this week in
a private jet to campaign on behalf of her mother Hillary Clinton.”
After two events in Greenville, Clinton attended a “clean energy roundtable”
in Asheville, about a 5-hour drive away. “But instead of driving or flying on a
commercial plane, Clinton opted to a take a private jet. The NTK Network posted
a tracking video that shows Clinton boarding the private jet on Wednesday.
“The Clinton campaign pledged last year they would be carbon neutral on the
trail and that they would be “offsetting the carbon footprint of the campaign
and that includes travel.” The Clinton team has yet to fulfill this promise,
however, as the campaign is using private jets to travel to events.”
While the holier than thou hypocrisy continues on the Clinton’s part, the
POTUS has image problems of his own.
According to Amy Goldstein of The Washington Post via
Drudge: “The Obama administration is maneuvering to pay billions of
dollars the government owes to health insurers under the Affordable Care Act,
potentially resorting to an obscure Treasury Department fund intended to cover
federal legal claims.
“Justice Department officials have told several health plans suing the
government over the unpaid money that they are eager to negotiate a broad
settlement, which would allow the administration to compensate about 170 other
insurers selling coverage in ACA marketplaces, according to insurance executives
and lawyers familiar with the talks.”
“The payouts probably would be made from the Judgment Fund, a 1950s creation
that is allowed as much money as it needs to satisfy valid claims against the
government. Such a move would bypass congressional Republicans, who have
criticized certain ACA provisions as industry “bailouts” and blocked the Health
and Human Services Department from paying health plans what they are owed.”
The problem stems from the use of a strategy to help coax insurers into the
ACA marketplaces by promising to cushion them from unexpectedly high expenses
for their new customers. “This particular strategy, known as “risk corridors,”
was for the marketplaces’ early years, when it was unclear how many people would
sign up and how much medical care they would use.”
“The crunch first became apparent last fall, when federal health officials
announced that they could make less than $400 million in 2014 risk corridor
payments – just 12.6 percent of $2.9 billion overall. About 175 insurers are
owed money, according to an HHS list.”
So here again, taxpayer’s are saddled with another burden resulting from the
administration’s move toward socialism. It’s also a glaring example of one of
the ways the POTUS, and his ideology, raised the nation’s debt from $10.6
trillion in January 2009 to its present $20 trillion.
Thus, while the MSM tries its best to tell voters otherwise, real world costs
arising from real world failures and misrepresentations can’t possibly be outweighed by
frothy words on paper.
Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Garrett M. Graff titled his article: “What the FBI
Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton’s Email Server”
In his piece, Graff attempts to set the premise that the problems and issues
arising from Bill’s wife usage of a private email server was a completely
innocent attempt to help simplify a very busy person’s hectic professional life.
One long paragraph provides his summation: “Together, the documents,
technically known as Form 302s, depict less a sinister and carefully calculated
effort to avoid transparency than a busy and uninterested executive who shows
little comfort with even the basics of technology, working with a small, harried
inner circle of aides inside a bureaucracy where the IT and classification
systems haven’t caught up with how business is conducted in the digital age.
Reading the FBI’s interviews, Clinton’s team hardly seems organized enough to
mount any sort of sinister cover-up. There’s scant oversight of the way Clinton
communicated, and little thought given to how her files might be preserved for
posterity—MacBook laptops with outdated archives are FedExed across the country,
cutting-edge iPads are discarded quickly and BlackBerry devices are rejected for
being “too heavy” as staff scrambled to cater to Clinton’s whims.”
However, what Graff seems to ignore is the magnitude of the issue, whereas
one who was trusted with the safety and security of items in the nation’s
interest chose personal convenience over prudent responsibility. And if she was
incompetent, computer illiterate and/or technically deficient, it was incumbent
upon her to find another, totally secure way, to overcome those insufficiencies.
In fact, it’s totally preposterous to make the claim that top secret information
was exposed because she wished to operate a personal device conveniently.
Although the article by no means makes Bill’s wife’s conduct excusable, an
immense of work went into the compilation of material. So, here’s a link:
And naturally, since there’s still plenty of reason to doubt her innocence, despite
Graff’s attempts at glossing the situation over, the ongoing question can be
asked again: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and
CEO, Howard Schultz; are you guys reading this?
That's it for today folks.