Yesterday, it was reported that, “Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group, the world's largest contract electronics manufacturer, will cut its massive workforce." The company told Reuter's Michael Gold and Yimou Lee "as the Apple Inc supplier faces declining revenue growth and rising wages in China.
”Under its flagship unit, Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd, the group currently employs about 1.3 million people during peak production times, making it one of the largest private employers in the world.”
A company representative, Louis Woo, said, “Even if technology is improving, the price will still come down. We've come to accept that, our customers have come to accept that."
Woo went on to state that, “Automation will be key to keeping labor costs under control in the long-term, as the company pushes to have robotic arms complete mundane tasks currently done by workers. But he noted that company chairman Terry Gou's previously stated goal of 1 million robots was "a generic concept" rather than a firm target.”
While focused on a specific company, Foxconn, the gist of this situation confirms the point made here numerous times over the past four years. Politicians forcing the minimum wage increasingly higher in today’s technological environment are causing businesspeople to accelerate plans for replacing workers with automation wherever possible.
In Foxconn’s case, if the chairman’s concept comes to pass, a million employees will lose their jobs while the company significantly reduces overhead yet maintains, or perhaps increases, productivity, a win/win result for the organization and huge loss for laborers.
Unfortunately, these are the kinds of things that happen when short-sighted, ignorant politicos involve themselves in issues they know nothing about in their attempt to garner votes.
Reader, “S“ commented, “Foxconn in the light of their increasing manpower costs have been switching to more automated manufacturing for their products. The result of bringing in a machine that will take over the jobs of one, two, three or more people is that they lay off those people that are replaced by the machines."
On another topic, Fox reported that, “Before heavy snows began falling, officials shut down roads and public transportation across New York City, New Jersey and on Long Island. Amtrak suspended train service and air traffic slowed to a stop. Schools along the East Coast on Monday canceled Tuesday classes.
However, the actual snowfall did not match the predictions, with 10 fewer inches than forecast falling in New York and New Jersey.”
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie said on WABC-TV on Tuesday, "I was being told as late as 9 o'clock [Monday] night that we were looking at 20-inch accumulations in most of New Jersey. If, in fact, that is what would have happened, having these types of things in effect were absolutely the right decision to make. We were acting based on what we were being told."
In New York, Andrew Cuomo said pretty much the same thing, as did NYC Mayor, Bill de Blasio.
Commenting on the issue, Rush said, “Now, the weather guy is apologizing and blaming his models. The same people that tell us their models 50 to a hundred years out on climate change can be trusted.”
Therefore, if this blizzard miscue doesn’t verify and underline the fact that global warning or climate change extremists, such as the president and sidekick Kerry, have no valid basis for their claims, it’s hard to imagine what does.
Because, as always has been the case throughout history, whether using a crystal ball or the most sophisticated state-of-the-art technology, not only don’t “experts” know what the long-range climate outlook will be, they can’t even predict the next day's weather accurately.
That’s it for today folks.
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