Yesterday, I mentioned having never watched a speech delivered by the president, preferring to read transcripts later undistracted by hype, smoke and theatrics. I also find him to be extremely boring. And then today, another transcript, this one from El Rushbo, explains why he too didn’t tune in to the State of the Union sideshow. He had an aide annotate a copy of the rhetoric and dissected the verbiage as follows, just like I do.
Rush set the stage by saying, “Of all people, a man who arrives on the scene in 2008 as unique, unlike anyone who's ever been in politics, soaring speeches. I mean, rhetoric and speeches that cause people to be glued to their TV sets. No matter where he went he was hailed as a great orator, and he was said to captivate people and hold a crowd and have them mesmerized in the palm of his hand.
“And now look. Look at how far Obama has actually fallen, just in that measure alone, how many people have no interest in listening to what he has to say. And that was it for me. I literally had no interest, because I knew what was gonna be said, and more than that, I knew how it was going to be said. I knew that I was gonna be insulted. I knew the things I believe in are gonna be insulted, with a gloating air about it, and I just didn't want to put up with it.”
Farther along, Rush noted that, “The Democrat Party just got shellacked in the midterm elections, and the midterm elections are real. The results in the midterm elections are real. Half of the senators who voted for Obamacare are gone one way or the other. The Democrat Party is near the bottom of the barrel in terms of the last two midterm elections and the number of seats they lost. And yet, because of image and a poll which shows the economy way up, why do you think that poll exists? That's the gasoline price. And Obama had nothing to do with the gasoline price coming down. I understand he's gonna try to take credit for it, but that's the kind of stuff I didn't want to watch last night. I don't want to have my intelligence insulted.”
Then Rush added some thoughts regarding the truth about conditions in the nation, saying, “Here's some reality: Six years of Barack Obama policies, and the president goes out in State of the Union show and claims the middle class is desperate for help. Honeymoon? Somebody want to explain how this works to me? We've got a guy who's been in office six years. He cares about the little guy and he's been plastering the rich, they think. (The rich are getting richer under Obama, by the way.) But the little guy thinks Obama's out there looking out for them, free this and free that.
“And six years into his eight-year presidency, the president does a State of the Union speech making the case the middle class is desperate for help. Why is the middle class desperate for help? Six years into this guy's presidency, why hasn't he dealt with it prior to now? If his presidency is so cool, if his presidency's such a success, why does the middle class need any help, much less desperate help? Somebody explain that to me.”
“And then there was this. He said the verdict is clear, middle class economics works, expanding opportunity works, and these policies will continue to work as long as politics don't get in the way. What verdict is in? That more Americans are out of work than ever before? That food stamp usage is at record levels year after year? That the deficit, the national debt is $8 trillion higher than it was when Obama took office? That careers have been sacrificed for part-time jobs because of Obamacare? What verdict is clear? What middleclass economics is working?”
Then, a few minutes ago, an article from the Wall Street Journal via Fox Chris Stirewalt confirmed that Rush, and myself, certainly weren’t the only ones having no interest in the president’s delusional hogwash, as follows:
“WSJ: “President Barack Obama’s 2015 State of the Union address drew the lowest television viewership for any such speech in the last 15 years, according to new data from Nielsen. The president’s Tuesday address was watched by 31.7 million viewers across 12 broadcast and cable networks that carried the speech live, despite a two-week campaign style tour and a social media blitz to drum up interest…And it’s the second-smallest State of the Union audience since Nielsen started collecting the data in 1993.”
Rush’ transcript is really quite interesting and well worth reading, so here’s a link:
That’s it for today folks.
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