Monday, January 12, 2015


The happiest man in the world today has to be Jimmy Carter. Because, once again, the incumbent president has surpassed him as the worst ever elected, by far.
Although there are arguments on both sides of the issue, the consensus among observers seems to indicate that it was a significant mistake that POTUS decided not to attend the anti-terrorism rally in France yesterday. 
Even Jake Tapper, of CNN voiced displeasure, as follows: “I say this as an American -- not as a journalist, not as a representative of CNN -- but as an American: I was ashamed.
“I certainly understand the security concerns when it comes to sending President Barack Obama, though I can't imagine they're necessarily any greater than sending the lineup of other world leaders, especially in aggregate. 
“But I find it hard to believe that collectively President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew and Attorney General Eric Holder -- who was actually in France that day for a conference on counterterrorism -- just had no time in their schedules on Sunday. Holder had time to do the Sunday shows via satellite but not to show the world that he stood with the people of France?”
Now, naturally, since the comments were made by a CNN anchor, he added, “I find it hard to believe that Speaker of the House John Boehner and new Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had more worthy pursuits on Sunday than standing side-by-side with our French brothers and sisters as they came together in an inspirational way.” However, not only would their arrival have been viewed as intentionally insulting to the president, they do not have the ranking of those other world leaders in attendance.  
Two readers posted salient comments. Tami Morris opined, “Eric Holder had the time to protest in Furgeson.  What does that tell you Jake?”
Obamabus added: “He should have at least sent a senior adviser like Jay Z or Al Sharpton.”
On another issue, Maria Bartiromo in USA TODAY wrote about an interview with Saudi billionaire businessman Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who told her “we will not see $100-a-barrel oil again.”
While the interview contained significant detail about the technical causes of the recent plunge in oil prices, including decreased demand and the development of alternative production techniques such as extraction from shale, there’s likely another, extremely important reason.
Once prices began to slide, it’s probable that the Saudi's realized that the US and its allies weren’t providing much hope in prevailing over Russia, Syria and Iran, all of which present serious threats to their nation. However, all of those enemies derive much, if not all, of their revenues from the sale of oil. And therefore, since there’s no hope of Saudi Arabia protecting itself militarily, the best remaining choice is destroying then financially by keeping oil prices as low as the situation demands.    
And now for item three today, which is almost beyond human comprehension.
Aside from snubbing the anti-terrorism rally in France, which 50, or more, world leaders attended and the continued opposition to the Keystone pipeline, the administration continued to demonstrate an upside-down perspective on national priorities. 
Jeryl Bier in the Blog in the Weekly Standard, writes that, “While the attention of much of the world Sunday was focused on the massive unity rally in France in response to the recent terror attacks in that country, Secretary of State John Kerry was in India for a "global business" summit where he spoke of, among other concerns, the "one enormous cloud hanging over all of us which requires responsibility from leaders. Global climate change."
Kerry said that climate change is "violently affecting communities" worldwide, but that the silver lining in his view is that responding to climate change offers an "unprecedented number of plusses, and frankly, almost no downside."
Now, since "climate change" doesn't even exist, it reminds me of that old line by now deceased Henny Youngman about the guy who saw a sign in a restaurant that said, “Watch your coat.” And while the guy sat there watching his coat, somebody stole his lunch.
That’s it for today folks.

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