Thursday, October 9, 2014


As confirming evidence mounts in numerous scandals and reflecting extremely poor decision-making regarding the current White House, another block-buster of a fiasco surfaced today.
Carol D. Leonnig and David Nakamura of the Washington Post report that, “Aides knew of a possible White House link to Cartagena, Colombia, prostitution scandal.”
While, “nearly two dozen Secret Service agents and members of the military were punished or fired following a 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia, Obama administration officials repeatedly denied that anyone from the White House was involved.”
However, new details from government documents and interviews show that senior White House aides were given information at the time, suggesting a prostitute was an overnight guest in the hotel room of a presidential advance-team member. Yet, that information was never thoroughly investigated or publicly acknowledged. 
“The lead investigator later told Senate staffers that he felt pressure from his superiors in the office of Charles K. Edwards, who was then the acting inspector general, to withhold evidence — and that, in the heat of an election year, decisions were being made with political considerations in mind. 
David Nieland, lead investigator on the Colombia case for the DHS inspector general’s office, told Senate staffers, “We were directed at the time . . . to delay the report of the investigation until after the 2012 election.” He also added that, “his superiors told him to withhold and alter certain information in the report of investigation because it was potentially embarrassing to the administration.”
Therefore, there’s now additional evidence  confirming that campaigning and political rhetoric have always been the core of the current administration, while professional job capability and practical experience rarely appear. Probably because there isn’t any. Which is why, regardless of the topic, from the economy to health care to foreign affairs, and everything else in between, none of those with any responsibility at all really knows what they’re doing at any time.
In that regard, Ron Fournier in the National Journal wrote an article titled, “Why Obama Won't Listen to Leon Panetta.”
Referencing Washington Post columnist Dan Balz, Mr. Fournier says that, “In a column called, "Will the president listen to Leon Panetta?" Balz urged the president and his team to "take to heart the critique from someone who has served both this president and the country loyally for many years." I can't imagine they will. Nor do most Democrats in this town have much hope for an outbreak of humility at the White House.
It starts with the president—this inability to accept criticism and learn from it—and so Obama seems destined to leave office no more comfortable or competent with the vague arts of leadership than he was six years ago.”
Examples cited include a description of how little Obama fought to stop deep automatic budget cuts that rattled the Pentagon. In that case, Panetta wrote: "Indeed, that episode highlighted what I regard as his most conspicuous weakness, a frustrating reticence to engage his opponents and rally support for his cause."
"That is not a failing of ideas or of intellect," Panetta added. "He does, however, sometimes lack fire. Too often, in my view, the president relies on the logic of a law professor rather than the passion of a leader."
Furthermore, “Obama gets so discouraged by the process" that he almost abandons the fight, Panetta told USA Today. "He's going to have to jump in the ring and fight it out for the next two years," he said. Fighting ISIS is an opportunity for a president who has "lost his way" to "repair the damage."
Now, while Mr. Fournier, Mr. Balz and Mr. Panetta himself, all try to point out the incumbent’s faults and shortcomings and still remain positive about his presidential abilities, all three of them are still trying valiantly to gloss over the fact that he’s not qualified for the job that he holds.
And, to a great extent, all the incumbent really does is rally support for his cause and nothing else to follow up. Because, it seems that every day that he’s not on a golf course he’s someplace in front of a crowd, holding a microphone and screaming and yelling about his causes while castigating and smearing those opposing him. 
Then there’s also the incorrect assumption by Mr. Panetta that the incumbents “lost his way,” which can’t possibly be true because he never had one to begin with.
That’s it for today folks.

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