Wednesday, October 1, 2014


As mentioned yesterday, the incumbent likely made another very big mistake by trying to throw his intelligence people under the bus when trying to dodge responsibility for ISIL' rise in Iraq and Syria. However, errors like that often happen when politicians put themselves and their rhetoric above the facts.
Fox reports today that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “in a memo to staff sent Tuesday, made clear his officers have been on the case for a while. 
"I'm proud of the [intelligence community's] efforts over the past two years to monitor, assess and call attention to the expansion of ISIL, and I know the president has found that work to be critical to developing his strategy." And by doing that, Director Clapper’s establishing that he told the incumbent about the dangers of ISIL at least two years ago. 
On a separate issue, factual data has once again proven that the economy–killing Democrat philosophy of tax and spend simply doesn’t work, primarily because it can’t.
Paul Bedard writes in The Washington Examiner that: “The Northeast, once the nation’s political engine that produced presidents, House speakers and Senate giants including the late Edward M. Kennedy, is losing clout in Washington as citizens flee the high-tax region, according to experts worried about the trend.
The Census Bureau reports that population growth has shifted to the South and the result is that the 11 states that make up the Northeast are being bled dry of representation in Washington.
Critics blame rising taxes in states such as Massachusetts and Connecticut for limiting population growth in the Northeast to just 15 percent from 1983 to 2013, while the rest of the nation grew more than 41 percent.”
Now, while this population shift directly relates to productive people realizing that they can no longer afford to live in environments where they were being taxed far too greatly, and thus decided to relocate, there’s also a very good chance that it portends how many will vote in the upcoming November elections. And if the vote turns out to be in synch with citizens unhappiness regarding taxation issues, the Democrat losses are going to be historically huge.   
And then there’s this commentary from El Rushbo yesterday about the ramifications of the incumbent’s ISIL misjudgments, and his claim that the rapid growth of the terrorist organization was surprising.
It’s noteworthy because in drawing a comparison, Rush used climate-change to illustrate how the dialog changes depending upon the point the continually dodging and weaving POTUS is trying to make. 
Talking about State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf, Rush quoted her as saying, “Even ISIL itself was probably surprised by how quickly they were able to take territory."
Therefore, Rush explained, “ISIS underestimated ISIS! ISIS underestimated itself.  It had no clue how good it was.  Now, keep in mind, these are the same Obama flacks who say they couldn't predict what the Iraqis would do.”
However, although, “They couldn't predict how big ISIS was gonna get. ISIS couldn't even predict that, and yet these are the same people that claim to be able to predict the weather and climate change 50 or a hundred years from now.” 
And if those aren’t perfect examples of biased political gibberish employed to sell a fable for self-serving purposes, I don’t know what is. Which is why, once again when it comes to getting to the heart of issues and sorting out the facts from the smoke and the hype, there's nobody better at it than Rushbo.
That’s it for today folks.

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