Thursday, October 16, 2014


Robert Wilde writes on about radio talk show host Dr. Michael Savage, PhD from the University of California, who happened to have studied epidemiology as well as botany and nutrition.
The doctor’s been “studying epidemics for a long time and insists that the Obama administration has violated “every rule of science, medicine, public health, and epidemiology.” He said passionately, “What Obama is doing is a crime against humanity. There is no other way around this, it is all lies.”
Furthermore, “According to Savage, Obama is not the only culprit in the mishandling of Ebola. Savage is not too impressed with Dr. Tom Frieden either: “You listen to that fraud at the CDC – the man should be arrested for lying to the public. Every day he changes his story: ‘You can’t get it on a bus, you can get it on a bus. It’s not airborne, it might be airborne.’ I mean are they kidding?
Concluding that “This is a nation whose health is being destroyed by this administration,” Dr. Savage summed the situation up perfectly by saying, “As far as Ebola is concerned, “If you like your Ebola, you can keep your Ebola; it is part of the new Obamacare plan.”
On another topic, Rush Limbaugh delivered a long analysis of why the Republican party never attains long-term tenure nationally after winning elections. Most often being voted in periodically as a rebuff to Democrats performance, but soon relinquishing office in following election cycles.
In summation, Rush’s conclusion is that if  the Republican Party doesn't start teaching, if it doesn't start becoming demonstrably conservative and doesn't start actively taking advantage of these dramatic incompetent failures of the Democrat Party, [the cycle] is  just going to keep repeating. 
However, there’s something critical that Rush misses, brilliant as he is. Because there’s a significant, and much more important point that permits Democrats to recover from electoral losses that Republicans simply don’t know how to do at all.
While Republicans always do a far better job in office, they achieve their favorable results by concentrating on their responsibilities and trying their best to maximize positive accomplishments.
Democrats, on the other hand, rarely do anything at all except complaining and campaigning continually. And, therefore, while elected Republicans are too busy for speeches and rally's, Democrats degrade them 24/7/365, whether holding office or not.  And its the constant negative drumbeat that ultimately takes it toll at the polls.
That’s it for today folks.

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