Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Yesterday afternoon, on the Fox News business channel, a business pundit was interviewed whose name I unfortunately didn’t catch. He was asked, however, what the business community expected if the Republicans were to actually win both houses of Congress in November, as expected by most polls.
Without hesitation, the pundit replied that most importantly, the US economy would rebound significantly, and the overall national productivity growth would be huge. Examples he cited included, continuing reduction in the price of oil, due to expanded fracking and opening of the Keystone pipeline, and trimming the power of the EPA. Those steps alone would put multiple billions back in citizen’s pockets, he said, that could now be spent on food, rent, personal items, automobiles and everything else that would spur the economy. At the same time creating countless new jobs due to the growth.
Expanded job growth, in turn, would increase government revenue, decreasing the national debt, while lowering unemployment costs as well. More people could then afford healthcare, while the medical equipment sector would also grow, due to Republican repeal of the device tax. 
New business development would blossom whereas the corporate tax rate would be lowered to be more competitive internationally, while the trillions of dollars parked overseas would come back to the US, helping make things better here very quickly.
While rattling off the short list of benefits took the pundit only a couple of moments, and didn’t include countless other things that would change for the better, there really wasn’t anything surprising in his commentary. What did make one stop and think, however, is that while the cures for the nations economic ills can be cured very quickly by a Republican win in November, every one of the problems now facing the nation were deliberately caused by a Democrat POTUS who took the nation down simply to appease a political bloc, while strangling everyone else financially in the process. 
Along the same lines, an on-line segment from Rush’s radio show yesterday offered a similar commentary from a major Democrat icon, Tina Brown, as follows:
Rush said, “She was on Morning Joe today. She's the founder and former editor of The Daily Beast and Newsweek, and founder of Tina Brown Live. They were having a discussion about recent polls that showed the Democrats are struggling with women in the 2014 midterm races. And we've mentioned this, that this so-called War on Women is actually coming back to bite the Democrats in a lot of ways, but this sound bite -- well, just hear it on your own. I don't even want to characterize it before you hear it. She was talking to the cohostette, Mika Brzezinski, who said, "Tina, what do you think is behind these numbers, the Democrats losing women?"
Ms Brown answered: “Particularly for women, I don't think he makes them feel safe. They're feeling unsafe. They feel unsafe economically. They're feeling unsafe with regard to ISIS. They're feeling unsafe about Ebola. What they feel unsafe about is the government response to different crises. And I think that they're beginning to feel a bit that Obama's like that guy in the corner office who's too cool for school, calls a meeting, says this has to change, doesn't put anything in place to make sure it does change. Then it goes wrong, and he's blaming everybody.”
The exchange is perfectly fitting, whereas it gave Rush the opportunity to present one of the most comprehensive descriptions of typical Democrat methodology one could find. 
Rush explained it this way. “Look, she's exactly right about this. I've been talking about this. Obama and the left, they think they make a speech on something, it's fixed. They write a position paper on something, it's fixed. They call a meeting on something, it's fixed, mission accomplished. Got an Ebola program, go make a speech, done. Got a problem with the economy, go out and do a jobs speech and then add to it with a jobs seminar at the White House featuring columnists from New York Times, job done, mission accomplished. But, of course, nothing's changing, nothing's being accomplished. Everything is falling apart. Everything is fraying, and it's not the fault of the Republicans. It's a golden opportunity. The Democrats are losing in the polls for women.”
And that, in a nutshell is not only the story of the incumbent’s entire presidency, but more likely, his entire existence. Because, from the start it’s been all talk and virtually zero action. While in the real world everything promised has crumbled around him, ignored and unsolved.
That’s it for today folks.

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