I think it says a lot about how miserable things are for Democrats that they have to duck discussion of issues critical to the nation, such as the economy, foreign affairs, their health care legislation debacle, and illegal immigration, among others, because of the horrendous damage they've done to each. And their latest diversion attempt is via the Washington Post trying to paint Mitt Romney as some kind of childish prankster.
And although Romney says he doesn't really remember clipping some fellow high school students hair -which the Post is trying to equate with being some kind of capital crime punishable by withdrawal from the presidential campaign- he readily states that yes, he indeed enjoys practical jokes and likes to have fun when he can.
In that regard he related to Fox News that "We have in our family of course, a number of things that we do like pushing people out of a boat, short sheeting their bed, putting corn flakes in their bed, a lot of jokes and tricks that we play among ourselves,"
He also told a story about a state trooper who once short-sheeted his bed and to retaliate Romney said, the next morning at breakfast he wore a big smile because the trooper was going to see how he reacted. So pretending not to notice, Romney instead wrote up an official-looking letter to himself from the hotel, saying they'd fired the maid due to improper bed-making. Then when the "letter" arrived at his office, his secretary showed it to the state trooper.
The trooper was so upset, his boss told him he had to call the hotel and explain to the manager that he was the one that had done it, not the person they'd fired. And then when the manager had absolutely no idea what the trooper was talking about, the trooper realized the joke was on him. "So, we play tricks even with the people I work with," Romney said.
I mention this today because I think it illustrates that Romney seems like a well-rounded person, comfortable with success and unafraid of tarnishing his image by revealing a human side to his persona. And as for me, I'd much rather have a competent, seasoned executive with a sense of humor as POTUS than an uptight, phony failure whose only objective is deflecting blame to others for his mistakes.
On the other hand, though, when you sum it all up this entire administration's been a joke from the get-go. But unfortunately, it isn't very funny at all.
That's for today folks.
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