Friday, May 27, 2022


Some very valuable habits regarding competition are attained from a sales career. Such as specific reviews or analysis of why individual sales are won or lost. Study of selling situations eventually develops into a virtual diary or “encyclopedia” regarding one’s profession. It also becomes a handbook of sorts, concerning competitors themselves. Knowing what to expect from others, their habits and traits, extremely helpful when encountering them in the field, provides a significant advantage.

In this writer’s case, a personal diary containing industry information of all types along with competitor profiles and technical notes eventually became a book, Selling Equipment Leasing, published by the AMACOM Books Division of the American Management Association in 1994 and still sold on Amazon today.

In its own way, blogging too permits development of a similar knowledge base regarding many of the subjects discussed, particularly politics. And it is in that area the realization arose that over time, encyclopedic troves of information have been gathered here regarding political competitors capabilities, strengths, weaknesses and habitual tendencies. Within that scope, two particular traits stand out among Progressives: Arrogance and stupidity.

Arrogance is consistently shown by Biden who most often talks down to the press, appearing unable to comprehend why his utterings are not immediately accepted as gospel by this irritating, unruly group. But it is across the entire party where true stupidity is evidenced.

Upon taking office in 2021, Progressives had license to institute policy as they chose. Their objective being reversal of any and all governance deemed “Conservative,” or related in any way to Trump. However, their rise to power being so sudden and unexpected, aside from platform and electioneering no administrative framework truly existed.

The intelligent procedure for them, then, would have been to gradually wind down existent policy, replacing what was there incrementally upon proof of performance. Instead, however, not only were legislative rugs pulled out from under so abruptly, the absence of viable replacements worsened the effects.

There was no need, other than political grandstanding, for Biden to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline on day one in office. Whereas no viable replacement for fossil fuels exists, parallel development of alternative energy would have been the proper managerial approach. Keystone cancellation, though, was done in such a grandiose way, political ammunition was provided to foes as a gift. Biden’s self-congratulation then, was spectacularly “stupid.”

It's one thing to open the southern border, exposing the nation to untold costs and threats. But it’s quite another to fabricate invasive events taking place, particularly when live news coverage exposes the actual happenings. But rather than making the slightest effort to even appear interested in protection, obvious attempts are made to distort the facts. Thus, a quite appropriate term for the reality is “stupid.”

While inflation continues to increase living costs for all, resultant of an attack on use of fossil fuel, the administration blames whatever possible happening for rising prices. Here, Progressives could have easily applied the facts, that alternative energy sources being developed would replace what exists when viable. But instead, the approach is taken to make gasoline unaffordable, building animosity completely across the voting public. There is no other classification for that decision better than “stupid.”

And what about defunding the police with no form of replacement whatsoever? Citizenries of major cities, most of them Progressive strongholds, are now fearful of walking their own streets, while those able are moving to safer places. So this one's a double-whammy, as one’s staying where they are become subject to voting for others, while those relocating are building the bases of law enforcement candidates elsewhere. Whereas this situation is well known, continual defunding movements by Progressives is truly beyond “stupid.”

Poll results shown reflect on Biden as representative of Progressive performance, as follows: “President Joe Biden’s approval rating dipped to the lowest point of his presidency in May, a new poll shows, with deepening pessimism emerging among members of his own Democratic Party.

“Only 39% of U.S. adults approve of Biden’s performance as president, according to the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research, dipping from already negative ratings a month earlier.”

While these new lows reflect known dissatisfaction with Biden and his party’s poor performance, his reaction to the results is positively astounding. He firmly maintains that policy will remain in place and that it is the public's inability to grasp his successes that is at fault, not the policies themselves. And by taking a stance that for political purposes, flies in the face of proven reality, Progressives remove all chance of reelection. Not just shooting themselves in the foot, but just about blowing it off completely.

Now, that’s really pretty stupid.

That’s it for today folks.


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