Wednesday, June 5, 2019


A primary reason for a return to blogging is the wish to record the definitive move toward disclosure of what really took place during the last presidential campaign.

In that regard, while the Mueller probe fully exonerated the POTUS of any campaign wrongdoing, there is undoubtedly plenty of guilt on the other side. And much like this writer’s being one of the very few who expected the POTUS to win the last election, despite the overwhelming poll reports favoring his competition, it is now sensed here that Democrat leadership is about to face legal retribution.

An indication comes from one of the ongoing endeavors receiving minimal media attention. That being the diligently persistent effort of Judicial Watch, helping ensure that justice will be eventually served. An example of that effort can be seen today in an article from the One America News Network newsroom, as follows:

“A new batch of FBI emails has revealed officials at the bureau were looking to give special treatment to then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“Judicial Watch obtained 218 pages of emails Monday between former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. The emails contained discussions about missing reports and about interviews, commonly referred to as 302’s, pertaining to the Clinton probe.

“The emails also showed FBI counsel James Baker speaking with Clinton’s lawyer about “expeditiously” receiving a copy of those reports.

“Those missing reports were ultimately found, and turned over to Clinton’s team before being made public. Judicial Watch has claimed this is evidence of special treatment.”

An accurate and succinct summation of the occurrence's meaning came from reader kaiju who opined: “No shiite. The Obama DOJ made a big mistake though, not taking her to trial where she could be found not guilty in an Obama kangaroo court.
She's fit to be indicted, tried, and convicted now in a real court.”

Although far more must be done before the general public’s interest starts to significantly swell, just as felt by reader kaiju, there is no doubt here that retribution for the Democrat perpetrators will certainly occur. 

That’s it for today folks.


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