Monday, June 3, 2019


To start the day, here’s a quick excerpt from Rush who said on Friday: “Well! Look at this, my friends: “President Trump’s job approval rating is the highest it’s been in two years.” This is just out from It’s actually a polling unit, the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey. “President Trump’s job approval rating is the highest it’s been in two years, boosted by voter optimism about the economy…” Forty-eight percent job approval. This poll normally has Trump at 43 or 44. “That’s up from 45% approval in March.”

“The survey found 48% approve.”

At the same time, according to Politico’s Kyle Cheney and Andrew Desiderio yesterday: “In all, the ranks of pro-impeachment Democrats swelled to more than 50 through the end of May — but that’s less than a quarter of the more than 230 House Democrats. The number of Democrats who publicly backed impeachment after Mueller's statement included committee chairs — Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern among them — and another member of the House Judiciary Committee, which oversees impeachment matters.”

Which means that, despite the author’s efforts to make the numbers appear far more significant than they are, the impeachment movement seems quite minimal at present.

All of which reminds me of the years I myself spent competing in the world of financial sales. During that time primarily due to a modicum of skill coupled with incredible good fortune, I wound up working for and with several of the industry's finest product and service providers.

As a result, I often faced competition from far lesser entrants in the market. And it’s their weaknesses that stir memories of the types of competitive gibberish often confronted.

When other providers were asked by prospective customers why their offerings were superior, typical answers included responses such as “because ours are better.” Or perhaps, “because we’re the best at what we do.” Or, “you can’t find anyone superior to us.”

Yet, nowhere in any of those responses were facts, data, tangible evidence, specific comparisons or any viable proofs in support of competitor’s claims.

And that is the precise quandary faced by Democrat politicians today. While their only offering is an ongoing fruitless effort to demean, defame and replace a highly successful opponent, they haven’t an iota of substance themselves.

Which means that two likely insurmountable obstacles now confront the feeble Democrat pleas to their flailing constituents. While their own hopeless effort to pursue baseless claims against the POTUS have no viability whatsoever, performance-wise in office that very same POTUS continues performing as promised throughout.

That’s it for today folks.


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