Wednesday, July 20, 2016


The Republican National Convention in Cleveland is more or less a four-day circus, focused on selling presidential candidate Trump to the voting public. So, naturally, much is made of expectations about the nation’s future, while a parade of politicians, celebrities, business endorsers and even family members extol the candidates virtues and capabilities to ensure that whatever’s promised will come true.   

However, aside from the sales pitches made in Cleveland this week, several far more serious indications were found today that strongly favor Trump’s election. Provided that he can convince those same voters that he actually possesses the talents he continually touts.   

According to Jeff Cox, “Cash levels are now at 5.8 percent of portfolios, up a notch from June and at the highest levels since November 2001, according to the latest Bank of America Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey. 

“In addition to putting money under the mattress, investors also are looking for protection, with equity hedging at its highest level in the survey's history. 

"Indeed, fear is running high as investors believe that global financial conditions are tightening, despite nearly $12 trillion of negative-yielding debt around the world and the U.S. central bank on hold perhaps until 2017. 

“In fact, fear is running so high that BofAML experts think that it's helping fuel the recent market rally. 

"Record numbers of investors saying fiscal policy is too restrictive and the first underweighting of equities in four years suggest that fiscal easing could be a tactical catalyst for risk assets going forward," Michael Hartnett, chief investment strategist, said in a statement.” 

So, here we have undeniable proof that the nation’s economy is not only stagnant, but investors would rather horde cash and gain no return, than to invest in an overly-restricted, tightly managed economy. Which is a typical result of Democrat economic philosophy and the current administration in particular.   

Which presents a golden opportunity (pun intended) for Trump to focus his business talent upon. 

Next, columnist Anita Kumar, does lingual handstands to praise Obama personally while poll numbers indicate that voters believe the presidential job he’s done is totally miserable.  

Ms. Kumar writes: “As America faces the seemingly unpopular choice of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama is looking better than he has since the start of his presidency, according to a new McClatchy-Marist Poll. 

“There are warning signs that the country could want a change in direction. Americans who are worried about the economy, political gridlock and terrorism think the country is going in the wrong by a rate of 70 to 25. 

“But 51 percent of registered voters say they approve of the job Obama is doing as president, compared to 43 percent who disapprove.” 

And then, two-thirds of the way into the column, Ms Kumar presents the actual statics themselves, as follows: 

“By 90-6, Democrats approve of the job Obama is doing. Independents approve by 50-45. Not surprisingly, just 10 percent of Republicans approve of his work, while 84 percent disapprove. 

“Obama’s approval spans most regions of the country, ages and incomes. African Americans gave the first black president the highest marks, 88 percent, followed by Latinos, 64 percent, and whites, 41 percent.” 

So, what the numbers illustrate is that job-wise regarding the state of the nation, almost three quarters of Americans believe a directional change is needed. However, despite the magnitude of his failures, 90% of Democrats still like the guy personally, which does absolutely nothing whatsoever to help them at all or the nation he presently heads. 

Another glaring opportunity for Trump to pursue diligently.  
Indication three, for what it’s worth, comes from Steven Nelson,  Staff Writer, who headlined today’s column: “RNC Protests Rage, but Anti-Trump Organizers Ask: Where Is Everyone? Low turnout and very few arrests come as a surprise.”

Mr. Nelson reports: “Activists marched illegally down streets, fought with one another and defied a downtown tennis ball ban Tuesday during the second day of the Republican National Convention. But as the excitement unfolded, some activist leaders wondered where the crowds were. 

“Cleveland has seen far smaller protests than those at other recent conventions, despite the nomination of Donald Trump eliciting a rage from progressives that rivals or exceeds their hatred of former President George W. Bush. In a further distinction, it has also seen very few activism-related arrests.” 

So, here again, while the major media attempt valiantly to demean and discredit Trump, predicting enormous “anti “ crowds and days of unrest in Cleveland, none of that is actually coming to pass. Which makes one wonder if one of these days, despite the far leftist bias among those reporters, perhaps they’ll begin to tell the truth.  

And then, a Facebook friend posted this one:

Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

Michael D. Shear and David E. Sanger, tried their best to discredit New Jersey’s Christie’s presentation last night at the convention. However, a careful reading of their column shows that they fell quite short of their goal.   

The authors wrote: “Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, whom Donald J. Trump passed over to be his running mate, was one of the stars of the Republican convention’s second night on Tuesday, delivering a detailed case against Hillary Clinton with a prosecutorial zeal. 

“For about 15 minutes, he laid out one indictment of Mrs. Clinton after another, asking the audience after each one, “Guilty or not guilty?” It was part red meat, part courtroom procedural, and with each query, “GUILTY!” rang through the hall, interrupted only by an occasional, “Lock her up!” 

“Like many indictments, the facts presented to the Republican jury were sometimes selective: not necessarily false, but often ignoring exculpatory evidence. Below is a closer look at Mr. Christie’s case.” 

While the authors describe a very fine line in their mention of “exculpatory evidence” omissions, Christie's overall accuracy cannot really be disputed either. Here’s a link to the article to examine for yourself:
And finally, a new average of 10 major polls, shows Trump and Bill’s wife in a virtual tie. She stands at 43.8% while he’s at 41.1% a lead of only 2.7%, well within the margin of error.

What was similarly interesting, and perhaps more important, was that the individual Quinnipiac poll results for 6/21 - 6/27 had her ahead by 2%, yet 14 months ago the same poll showed her leading by 18% for 5/19 - 5/26.

Which brings up the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz; are  you guys reading this?   

That’s it for today folks.   

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