Monday, July 18, 2016


Aside from the continuing eruptions of terrorism throughout the nation, most of the major media focus centers on the Republican National Convention beginning today in Cleveland.

In that regard, Stuart Varney, host of Varney & Co. on the Fox Business channel weekdays interviewed Trump advisor David R. Malpass this morning. What came thorough most vividly, is that Varney himself is an economist and his channel is supposedly ranked as the leader regarding business. However, most of his questions related to his own agenda and a preconceived conclusion as to what Varney believes Trump deigns most important, such as building a border wall and curbing immigration and terrorism.

Due to Varney’s persistence in making his points, Mr. Malpass had to concertedly direct the conversation back to Trump’s actual goals for resurrecting the flagging economy, which he presented as a combination of well thought out elements to solve many of the nation's problems.

A key consideration of Trump’s plan rests on the fact that unemployment is far too high, causing unrest and leaving far too many citizens idle, giving them time for creating problems and disruptive activities. Therefore, a place to begin is lowering personal and corporate taxes by creating a fairer and simpler code. That alone will quickly stimulate the economy and business employment while raising personal incomes and spending.       

Since lower taxes spur economic growth, that leads to expansion which builds other aspects of business as well. Such as, bringing back major organizations who have chosen to operate significantly overseas. Which also means that the funds now held offshore will also come back home, also creating more jobs and employment..    

As Mr. Malpass steered the conversation toward far more important points which Varney neglected, or perhaps simply didn’t understand, curiosity arose as to who Mr. Malpass actually is. 

According to Wikipedia, Mr. Malpass is “an American economist and also ran in the 2010 Republican primary for U.S. Senate in New York. He is the founder and president of Encima Global LLC, an economic research and consulting firm based in New York City.

“During the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, Malpass worked on an array of economic, budget, and foreign policy issues including small business promotion throughout Latin America, and the 1986 tax cut. Malpass served as the Republican staff director of Congress’s Joint Economic Committee from 1989–1990, and, more recently, as a member of Congress’s blue-ribbon panel on budget scoring from 2002-2003.

“Malpass authors a column in Forbes magazine and is a regular contributor to the op-ed section of The Wall Street Journal. Malpass worked at Bear Stearns for 15 years, with six of those years as the firm's chief economist. Malpass' team ranked second in the Institutional Investor ranking of Wall Street economists in 2005, 2006, and 2007.”

So, once again, just like his selection of others around him who have talent’s skills, backgrounds and abilities that fulfill needed responsibilities to enact his presidential agenda, Trump certainly seems to have chosen another winner to help him.

Unfortunately though, due to lack of capability on their own part, or other personal proclivities, even those in the media that supposedly favor Trump aren’t qualified to grasp and assimilate most of what he’s trying to accomplish.   

On another subject, yesterday it was mentioned here that new British Prime Minister, Theresa May, apparently having serious reservations about global warming has reduced the issue in importance by folding the Department of Energy and Climate Change into the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

And now today, an article by Andrew Follett Energy and Environmental Reporter via Drudge, although concerning a happening in India illustrates why the subject of global warming is met by so much skepticism outside of the leftist media.

Mr. Follett writes: “India’s environmental minister said Monday that an American weapons system, which is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, is behind global warming.

“The US has developed a type of weapon called High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP). It strikes the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam,” Anil Madhav Dave, India’s Environmental Minister, told Business Standard Monday. “HAARP is an advanced model of a super powerful ionospheric heater which may cause the globe to warm and have global warming effect.” 

Mr. Follett then explains: “In reality, HAARP is a research station currently owned by the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The system was used to study the upper atmosphere and investigate its potential for monitoring radio communications. Scientific research done with HAARP has been routinely published in major peer-reviewed journals.” 

To really grasp the depth of the incredible pap irrational alarmists can produce here's a link to the article:
Bringing us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

Much ado was made in the major media last week when Sanders dropped out of the Democrat presidential race, endorsing Bill’s wife instead. 

However, it seems that once again that same media was quite wrong in telling their audience that the Dem’s were now united while their rival Republicans had an unpopular candidate who was splitting their party.

Today, Dan Roberts, writes; “No sooner had the question been posed of where angry young activists would go after the Bernie Sanders campaign than a group of angry young activists provided the answer: to the streets.

"The surprise walk-out of protesters from a conference of US progressives in St Louis this weekend forced the cancellation of its panel on “translating millennial votes into power.” 
"But here was more vivid testimony. Despite Sanders urging his supporters to back Hillary Clinton in an official endorsement a few days earlier, the energy once captured by his campaign – and beyond it, in the Black Lives Matter protests – appeared already to be slipping out of the hands of Democrats. 

“Hands Up United – a group born of anti-police violence protests in nearby Ferguson – brought both the Netroots convention and surrounding freeways to a standstill, accusing the largely white delegates of becoming “occupiers” in the “disunited States of America”. “Mic check, mic check,” they chanted, in an echo of the Occupy movement that used voices in the street to amplify its message. 

“Across the corridor in another unofficial Netroots spin-off, a different group of activists were plotting to do the same on a bigger stage in Philadelphia, where the Democratic party is holding its national convention in a week’s time. Democracy Spring is planning non-violent civil disobedience on a daily basis, scheduling sit-ins and mass arrests until the party promises to scrap the system of super-delegates that so enraged Sanders supporters during the long and bitter nomination contest.” 

So, here again is confirming proof that as hard as they try, the Democrat leadership simply cannot get their constituents to readily accept Bill’s wife as a presidential candidate. And in this case, it isn’t even her monumental mass of negatives and lack of personal appeal that are working against her. It also seems that voters don’t like her platform or super-delegate manipulation either. 

All of which brings up the ongoing question again: Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbucks chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz; are  you guys reading this? 
That’s it for today folks.        


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