Saturday, August 2, 2014


What’s truly amazing is how consistently Democrat politicians select the wrong side of most issues, almost 100 percent. And a significant part of the reason -if not all- is that they don’t seem to think about, study, or learn about any of the details involved. All they wish to find out is the Republican perspective and then, automatically take the other side.
An example today arose, where according to Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle, Democratic Rep., Gary Peters, a U.S. Senate nominee in Michigan, attended an event hosted by local pro-amnesty organization One Michigan and said that “Immigration reform is not about enforcement, it’s about finding a way to fix the problems in our immigration system.”
Mr. Boyle points out, however, that “A new poll from the Associated Press and GfK Public Affairs and Corporate Communications shows that immigration is now President Barack Obama’s worst issue. A whopping 68 percent disapprove of the president’s handling of immigration, and just 31 percent—down from 38 percent a couple months—approve of how he's handling it.”
While the poll confirms that most people believe that a miserable job’s been done regarding immigration, Representative Peters ought to do some homework. Because then he’d find out that the key elements most voters want are sealing the borders and “enforcement” of the laws that already exist.
Confirming that thought was a comment following the article by reader Philip Carrell bobdog19006, as follows:
Another wrong horse was bet on by the incumbent, and his flunky John Kerry, who for different reasons both tried their best to support Hamas in the conflict in Gaza.
But, unfortunately for them, Hamas is so uncontrollable and fiercely dedicated to Israel’s annihilation that there is no law or ethic they won’t breach in their attempts to prevail.
Therefore, after being forced into a corner by Hamas’s actions, “The Obama administration on Friday condemned "outrageous" violations of an internationally brokered Gaza cease-fire by Palestinian militants and called the apparent abduction of an Israeli soldier a "barbaric" action,” according to AP Diplomatic Writer, Matthew Lee.
What’s more, “Following the quick collapse of the cease-fire in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the White House not to force a truce with Palestinian militants on Israel.
Sources familiar with conversations between Netanyahu and senior U.S. officials, including Secretary of State John Kerry, say the Israeli leader advised the Obama administration "not to ever second guess me again" on the matter.”
Therefore, one can only assume that after five years of dealing with a White House so clearly unfriendly to his nation, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s reached the point where in trying to protect his people against enemies he’s been forced to risk removing the kid gloves to stand up against what used to be Israel's strongest ally.   
And lastly, in another display of what people truly think of Bill Clinton’s wife, a YouTube video from June 29 shows, protesters gathering in her current home town, Chappaqua, NY, during her book signing of "Hard Choices" to condemn her for Benghazi and other “atrocities.”
Which leads one to wonder where she'll move next whereas, unless she can find some kind of private sector job, DC looks unlikely at present. 
That’s it for today folks.

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