Monday, May 19, 2014


Texas governor, Rick Perry, visited Fox & Friends this morning discussing his state’s appeal to the business community. Listening to his quite casual listing of some of the things done to insure business growth, development and success not only illustrates clearly why his state has become a business haven, but also why other places, like New York and California are total economic disasters.
For the past ten years, Chief Executive magazine has ranked Texas first as the best state for business, which among other things, the governor attributes to four primary issues. Favorable tax structure, less regulation, limited legal system and a school system based on merit.
He also strongly emphasized the critical importance of total energy independence, although finding the Keystone pipeline from Canada acceptable for now. Believing that as many as 5 million jobs could be created if domestic oil was drilled for, he pointed out that using shale resources at present has not only already created jobs, but also lowered nitrous oxide production by 62%, while reducing ozone output by 23%, as well.
And the most frustrating aspect of watching the governor’s presentation is not only knowing that what he’s conveying is certainly correct, but that the overall U.S. economy is being strangled for purely political reasons only.
Consequently, every citizen who uses any kind fossil fuel is paying dearly because the incumbent’s been bought and paid for by environmentalists having a totally self-serving agenda. All of which makes one wonder how so many citizens of what’s supposed to be the most open and free society on earth, could be taken advantage of so easily by a handful of conmen ripping them off without an iota of concern for the truth among them. 
That's it for today folks.

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